Twenty Two

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Mitch' P.O.V
To say that the flight was nerve wracking would be an understatement. Constantly, people were staring at us both. Some tried to glean information, but we always stuck to our stories.

"We are escaping our abusive father." I would always lay and arm across his shoulder, like and older brother protecting a younger one.

"Poor things." That is always how those curios people always responded.

The moment we were off the plane I stretched and looked at Tuesday. "That thing could not have landed soon enough."

He laughed. "You hate flying?"

"Very much." I said and realized that I had no idea where we were supposed to be going. I voiced this to Tuesday, who expressed the fact that he didn't know either.

"Well shit." I swore. I looked around momentarily, then decided to go explore. "Let's go."

"'Kay." Tuesday and put a side ways peace sign against his eye area. I wondered if he even realized he did that. It was something I had seen Wednesday do a few times.

After searching around, we saw a girl, who had lime green hair with a rainbow underneath, and snakebite piercings.

She spotted us and waved us over. "You are the two boys from Arlington, correct?" He asked and we nodded. "Good. Get in the car. I am Mahma's closest relative, but I have work, and she is getting old." She explained. "Treat her wrong and you will regret it." She told us as she began to drive away after we climbed into the car.

After about a give minute drive, we pulled up to a large metal gate surrounding a massive house.

She typed in a code and they slid open with a groan of protest.

We drove up and she ushered us into a house.

"Mahma?" She called out.

"Susie?" An old, withered voice responded and a woman came around the corner at the top of the stairs. She has stark white hair and wrinkles skin, leaning heavily on a cane. "Are these those two boys you hired?"

"Yes, Mahma. They are." Susie agreed.

"Well! Aren't they just the cutest! But they are a mess. Those clothes probably drink from the flight. Why don't you go show them the showers, then find them clothes?" She suggested sweetly to the younger woman.

The woman obliged with a smile. "Come this way." She ordered and we all walked away. The first room, Tuesday claimed and headed straight to the shower, tearing off his shirt. As he disappeared, I saw the same brand I had, with a one carved on his left him.

Our walk was silent until we reached my door. She stopped me and looked me right in the eye, brown meeting Hazel.

"I know Alex personally. You even try to escape, I will call him and he will kill your family. Tell that little friend of yours as well." With thag, she left me to shower. I skittered in and tugged my shirt up over my hair, grunting in pain. I had so many cuts, and the ones on my wrist still stung, even though it had been a week.

At last, it came away and I took off my pants and boxers, taking a moment to figure out the shower, then stepped in the hot water, ignoring the pain it caused as it fell.

I scrubbed my hair and skin, ignoring the rusty color it turned as I washed off blood and cuts opened, leaking out.

At last, turned off the water and grabbed a towel that was hanging there. I dried off and walked into the conjoining bedroom. There were clothes on the bed and I walked over to them. It was a pair of Skinny jeans and a baggy BVB shirt.

I pulled both on, surprised they fit.

"Hey! Arlington!" Susie called from the door. I gave her permission to enter and she opened the door, looking me over. Nodding, she motioned for me to follow her. Back down the hallway, towards the delicious smell of fresh cooked food. We reached the large dining room and I saw Tuesday standing off to the side.

I walked over and we stood stood side by side, looking at the table, but he didn't approach.

"Well, aren't you two going to sit down and eat?" The older lady asked, waving her hand.

Both of us stated at her, then each other. She was allowing us sit with her at the table ?neither of us had even been allowed passed the locked door for months, and our food was always what was left over, often not much.

"Mahma, they came from an abusive house, remember? To them, sitting at the table in not something either of them are accustomed to. Boys, you are part of this family. Sit at the table and eat. I saw how skinny he was." Susie spoke first to her grandmother, then to us. Slowly we approached and sat down, Tuesday flinching when Susie raised a hand to point at the bowl of something.

After that, dinner passed uneventfully. As did the next few week. Soon, we had been with her a year. I never knew someone could be so kind, being in my position.

As payment for being her companions, she fed us, clothed us, and even, I dare say, loved us.

All of that changed in the blink of an eye. She had a heart attack in the night. She was dead in the morning.

That was also the day we were thrown into the next flight to a new state, California. Alex's client there had already paid for us both. Susie dropped us at airport, treating us like what we came here as, something lower than her. We were nothing but an inconvenience. I saw it in her eyes as she booted us, handing us everything we would need to get on the plane. Was he drove away, I heard her call out.

"Finally rid of those two. They were nothing but fucking leaches." I knew then, she hated us.

You lucky readers. Yet another update tonight. If you are lucky, there will be one more(this is recompense because I won't be on tomorrow.)
Not my favorite chapter I have written, but whatevs.

A year and a half-Two and a half years.

Oh, and stay sexy.

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