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As we traversed through the dark hall, I felt Scott's large hand reach around and rest on my hip.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off of me." I moved away, smacking his arm.

He moved forward and pushed me against the wall. "I would watch your mouth, unless you want to get into some serious trouble. Trust me when I say that the man who wants you is so much less forgiving than everyone here. I have heard that no one had told him 'no' before and survived, especially his fucktoys." He backed off and yanked me with him, forcing me to walk with him down the hall.

"Little bit of advice." He whispered in my ear. "Make a good show. The Clients love when their choices make a show." With that, he shoved me into a room.

It was a large room, with nothing more than what appeared to be a conference center of sorts. There was a huge Television, and what appeared to be a camera on top of it.

Scott announced our arrival, making Alex turn around. He whistled and walked closer.

"Remind me to pay Nicole extra well. She did a damn good job." He grabbed my chin and tipped my head from side to side. Must be his favorite thing to do. "Damn." He said again.

I ripped my face out of his grip, glaring at him. "Don't fucking touch me."

Next thing I knew, my head craned to the side from the force of the backhand. My cheek stung and I raised a hand. He shoved me to the ground. I landed hard, tearing open a few of the lacerations on my back.

"You will show respect, or You will wish that you were in hell. Because trust me, you slut, what I can do to you is worse than hell, but my punishments seem like heaven compared to the Clients. So many body dumps. All because the damn whores wouldn't listen." He snarled and reached down, yanking me to my feet. "Now you will be a good little hoe, won't you?" He whispered sweetly in my ear.

I had no option. I nodded and he let me go, slapping my backside.

I held my tongue, making not a sound. Alex chuckled. "See? You're learning."

I didn't react. I just shut down, going into my head, trying to block out this nightmare.

Suddenly, there was a ringing that split through the air. The TV clicked on and I risked a look up.

There was a man standing there, mid to late twenties, with fiery hair and cheeks covered in freckles. Once again, I found myself admiring the enemies. My thought train paused. "Enemy". I had never thought of anyone as that, but that is exactly what these men were.

"Is this the boy?" The man said. He, like Alex, was well put together, a pleasant mask on his face. But I didn't believe it. Not at all. I didn't believe that he was as pleasant as his face portrayed.

"Yes. This is the boy you requested." Alex agreed walking forward and wrapping his arms around my torso. I stiffened until he breathed a sentence in my ear.

"How good are your acting skills?" Then his lips pressed to the space where the corner of my jaw met my neck, just under my ear. More words were whispered. "You better hope they're good." Then he moved his lips down to where my neck met my shoulders and sucked harshly on the skin.

I knew playing it up would and better for me, so I moaned. I felt him smile against my neck as I gave another moan. One of his thin hands slipped under and up my shirt, running across my stomach, then up to cross my chest. His other hand slipped into the waist band on my jeans, tugging at them.

Then he let me go, spun me around, and kissed me. I froze.

What the hell!? My head shrieked as he forced his tongue into my mouth.

He took my moment of surprise and slip a hand in my jeans to cup my bare ass. Again, I let out a slutty moan, the sound muffled against his lips.

"Okay! Enough. I still want the damn thing pure." The man on the screen growled and Alex let me go, his pupils blown wide.

"You, the little blonde whore, turn around and face me."

I did as he ordered, but dropped my gaze. I stared at my feet, feeling positively defiled. He had his hands in my pants with out my consent. He touched me. Kissed me. I felt disgusting.

"Look up at me." He commanded and I did, focusing my dark brown eyes on his harsh, freckles face. "I did choose very well with this one. He will be fun. And from what I saw, can make some beautiful sounds with his mouth. Can't wait to find out all of the sounds I can elicit from those lips." He smiled, his face contorting. I didn't like it.

As I stood there, Alex yanked me backwards and moved in front of me. "Hide your face, you little slut." He hissed and I turned and ducked my head, listening to the two men talk.

"Now that you have seen him, what are you willing to pay?" Alex asked, some how coming of as cold and civil at the same time.

"Well, don't I get a free trial might with him?" The man asked coyly.

"Hell no. We all know you would fuck him, then decide you don't want him, then leave us to try and get someone to take an impure. No. You pay up front of you want him." Alex replied. I stopped listening. The rest of the conversation was about money and things of that sort. Nothing I understood in the least. Well, I tuned them out until the call was about to end.

"Deal." The two men said in unison.

"I will be by tomorrow morning. I will be sending one of my agents tonight with an outfit. I want him in that when I get there to collect. Am I clear, Mr. Kirk?"

"Crystal, Drake." Then the call ended and Alex turned to me. "Your pretty face is fetching a good price. Scott! Take him back to the room." Alex gave me a cold smile, the look never leaving his face as I was moved out of the room by the blonde man.

Hey! I actually updated. Go me! I have a class that I have to finish, missing work, and several different end of the year things coming up so the updates may be far between.(like a week.)

Shout out to SirenNightwalker for the idea behind Drake.

Oh, and stay sexy

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