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Warning: Blood/Gore, Death
I pressed on the stab wound, using my shirt, which was slowly soaking through with blood, to try and staunch the bleeding.

Wednesday's breathing was fast and shallow, coming out in short gasps. The only thing that we could think of as to what was wrong was infection.

At last, I managed to stop the bleeding. Later, I fell asleep so exhausted, my body forced me to sleep.

Somewhere in the middle of my sleep I was awoken by something. I reached a hand up to rest by my face as a support to get hip when I felt it. Blood. Lots of it. That got me to shoot straight up.

Wednesday was even paler, and her chest barely moved. Tuesday seemed to scared to to a single thing. I pressed the cloth against her in an effort to try and stop this, but it was to no avail.

"Tuesday..." Wednesday gasped out, eyes flying open to look at her bother. "Thursday...always chose you..." Her words were little more than puffs of air as her eyelids fluttered.

"Wednesday! Please, please hold on!" He pleaded and I saw her give him the faintest of smiles.

"I love you... Broth..." The word never finished. Her eyes went dull and her narrow chest ceased to raise. I scooted closer to her head, pressing my fingers to her neck. Nothing.

He must have seen my face because he began to sob. I thought I knew a son of pain, but the cry that left his body was the most soul wrenching thing I had ever heard. He reached down and pulled her body into his lap, ignoring all of the wounds all over his body.

He hugged her closer and pressed his head into her neck, rocking back and forth.

"Please. Come back, Wednesday. Please, please." I sat there in shock, listening to him repeat that simple plea.

As he cried, down the stairs they came. Neither of us moved from our spots, me sitting in a pool of her blood, and Tuesday still clutching her chilling body.

They walked closer and looked at Wednesday, then began to laugh as though someone just told them the funniest thing they had ever heard.

Tuesday had always held his emotions in check, eyes carefully emotionless, only showing any emotion when his gaze fell on Wednesday. But that night, as he sat, covered in blood, holding the starved body against his own malnourished body, I saw a burning hate in those gray-green eyes.

As they walked towards where we sat, he gripped her shirt tighter, moving away from them. He did his best to keep hold of his sister, but with Hollie yanking viciously backwards on his hair, and Ethan pulling at Wednesday, both stronger than him, they managed to get her from him.

Hollie smiled and headed to the closet that was hidden deep in shadows. From it, she produced a large black something. It wasn't until she was closer that I realized she held a body bag.

She set it down, holding it open so that Ethan could lay the body inside. As they were zipping it up, I caught a glimpse of her face. It told in cuts and scars what she had endured, but her eyes were wide and blank, with a small, innocent smile.

At last, her face was hidden from my view. As they picked it up, still laughing, I moved over to Tuesday. The moment that door shut, he fell against me and we both cried. Over the last six months, I had grown to love these two. I cried with him, unable to offer solace. I had no idea where they would take her. No idea if he would ever see her again.

Thankfully, he just seemed to want someone to hold him, as I could not have formed any words of comfort. As I sat here, I cried, not only because I had grown to love her, but because she was so young. She told me, shortly after I got here, that she would be here for her fourteenth birthday. She died at fourteen.

Somewhere through the night, Tuesday stopped crying. His body was just too exhausted. He was unable to stay awake.

Despite the sleep that tugged at my mind, I kept watch over him.

I wanted him out of this Hell Hole and back with his family more than anything, even more than I wanted back with my own family.

Hours later, after he had fallen into a fitful sleep, they came back and ordered us to get up and head to the car. As I walked passed the threshold, I brushed my bleeding arm against it, leaving a streak of blood.

They pushed us into that same car, parked in a sheltered garage.

"More trouble than they're worth." The couple agreed.

Together, we went back to Alex, who was more than happy for take up. "I know the perfect house for you." He smiled.

We were there with Alex a week while he got everything ready. We were about to fly to Maine, where an older lady was willing to pay for us. Middle of Nowhere, Texas to Topsham, Maine. This would be the first time I had been out of the state.

In that week we spent with Alex, he had slept with me every night. Thought out loud I could not say 'No', every fibre of my being screamed it.

At last, the day came when he brought us to the airport. As we drove, he told us what we would tell anyone who asked about our cuts and bruises. We were getting away from our abusive father, heading to Maine to live with our grandma until I was back on my feet.

"Tell anyone what actually happened, and I will hunt down your families and kill them all." He snarled at us as he moved out of the car.

I held a hand out, like a brother would. "Come on. Better go now." I smiled at  Tuesday. He took my hand and we walked into the busy airport together, keeping an eye out for possible threats. My leg still stung and walking hurt, turning my stride into a painful limp.

As Tuesday walked with me, I made a silent promise.

I will never leave your side willingly, Tuesday. I will stay and protect you, no matter what.

This chapter made me cry. I am such a horrible person. Next Chapter is from a Different P.O.V, because I have a plot for it.

What are your thoughts on this book so far? Tell me?

18 months.

Oh, and stay sexy

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