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Their punishment lasted for longer than I cared to remember. My back was raw, and the band of my jeans was soaked with blood that leaked from the cuts on my back. Every movement hurt, every breath I took sent pain rippling through my whole body, making me dizzy.

"I don't know. Think he is punished enough?" Ben laughed.

"No. Maybe a few more strikes will get some lesson through his thick skull." The other man responded.

"Right." I could hear their glee. I could hear Ben raising the whip, heard it whistle through the air. After that, only my screams reached my ears.

The whip, which seemed more like a belt cut into strips with a few sharp objects imbedded in each strip, tore across my back four more times before they finally decided I had been punished enough. They kept me chained to the wall, my back to the door. I tried my hardest to stifle my cries, but to no avail. I could feel the blood drip down my back.

Every time I took a breath, fire raced through my veins, making me cry out.

I knelt there, my legs and hands numb, arms in the air, unable to sit back on my legs at least. Until the door behind me opened, there was only silence. I tightened my body as the heavy door swung open.

"They really did a number." Alex. He whistled. "Maybe next time you will think before mouthing off, unless you want to visit Ben and Troye again." Alex said from behind and he walked closer. He reached up and undid my bondage, gripping my arm and lifting me up, keeping my small form up with little effort as my legs gave out.

I felt my self nodding, leaning against him, though my mind disagreed. Never! It cried. He flipped me around to face him, pushing me back against the cold wall, making me cry out, tears leaking down my face.

He ran a hand through my dark bangs. "A very befitting hair cut." He murmured, continuing to slide it along my almost bald sides. He had me pinned and smiled malevolently. "If only pure cargo didn't fetch a high price." He leaned in, whispering in my ear. I shivered from cold and fear. He stepped back, straightening his suit, and gripped my arm tightly again.

"Ow!" I ground out, knowing his vise like grip would leave bruises on my small arm.

"Silence. Now. Ready to see where you will be staying for the next while?" he stated it like a question, but I knew it was far from.

No answer. I didn't respond in anyway. I didn't fight him though. He was too strong and felt like hell.

We took a series of turns until we got to a drafty part of the building. He pushed me into a run down old room and walked forward. "I look forward to tomorrow, Precious." He gripped my face as he leaned in close, then leaned forward more and but my lip, hard. He leaned back at my yelp, letting me go.

Then, with the same smile a business man might give possible customers, all polite and kind, no hint of the snake underneath, he stepped back more and then left the room.

He shut the door and I heard a lock slide into place. I sighed and walked over to the cot they provided with one measly blanket.

I couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. Thankfully, on the edge, was a new shirt. The one I had on was torn off by Ben and his companion Troye. I picked it up and pulled the old cloth on. It was huge in my, but I didn't care. Baggy clothes hid my insecurities, hid how small I really was.

I climbed onto the cot, fearing it would break under me. As I sat there, I thought over what I had always been told by everyone. "Look how handsome!", "Such a cutie.", "He could be a model. Especially with a face and body like that!" My whole life, everyone commented on my outer beauty, how my eyes sparkled. Commented on how perfect my skinny body was! Even adored my tattoos. Yet not a single one of those people cared for the soul behind the mask, the heart behind those large brown eyes.

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