Twenty Nine

635 39 38

Blood/gore warning
Six months. I had been here for six months.

I would trade a day with her for a year with Ethan and his wife.

This woman was out for nothing more than scientific knowledge, as she put it. To her, that meant using us in what ever ways she wanted. Tuesday and I both had scars on our arms, and all over. Tuesday was missing a piece of his right ear. I remembered that day. She wanted to know if ear tasted chicken. That night. She ate his ear.

Going from the top of my left shoulder, down at an angle to a inch or so past my spine, ending in my waist. It was an ugly scar, cherry red. She had used a heated knife, trying to figure out if it cut through skin better.

We both had scars on our cheek bones. "Bringing out those pretty cheeks." She'd said.

Our bodies were covered in the marks of six months of psychotic torture. She took samples of our skin to test their reaction to different household chemicals.

I went to sleep at night, only to be awakened by Tuesday suffering through nightmares, or after going through my own.

One of her favorites was to see if our blood properties changed depending on when and what we ate. She would feed us like kings for days, taking blood samples everyday. Then she would stop feeding us except for a moldy piece of bread at night, then that would stop coming, and she would let us starve. I remember times when I almost passed out because of this. I remembered holding Tuesday as his body reacted poorly to the lack of food.

I was always aware of how much put ribs stuck out, even after feasting.

I remember my last day with her clearly.

"There are my beautiful Pets!" She said. Neither of us were ever asleep anymore she she came in. We slept few hours each night, watching, waiting. "Today is a special day!" She clapped her hands and we began the same ritual we did every morning.

She unhooked us, let us out, then threw clothes at us. "These are what you are wearing today." I lifted it up. It was a simple pair of shorts. That was it. Of course. She must have had something planned. That was the only time she ever wanted us mostly naked.

I looked to Tuesday, who shared my look of fear, and then we did as always, changed into them.

"Not looking forward to today." He said. I couldn't agree more.

"Very good!" She chirped. "Now let's get started on the day. So many things to accomplish before the night arrives!"

She led us to the same room she always did.

"Arms up, stomachs to the wall!" She barked. Both of us walked over and did as she told. My stomach arched backwards, avoiding contact with the cold. She tied up our hands, then I heard clanking of metal and something metal pressed against my skin in the middle on my shoulder blade.

"I've heard that sharp knives cut faster, so I am testing it out. First, with the dull." She pushed it harder and the blade finally pushed into my back and through my muscles as she pulled down, all the way to my hip. I screamed, tears falling from my eyes, soaking my cheeks.

I could hear her muttering to herself as she removed the knife, blood seeping into my jeans.

"Now to see how well the sharp does." She said, and repeated the same thing, this time on my right side, digging it deep as she pulled it down to my hip bone.

"Interesting. Let's try the same with my other pet!" I head her crow of my sobs, and the rattle of my chains. I forced myself to look away as she did the same to Tuesday, his cries mixing with mine.

She had us flip over, her hands and shirt stained crimson. "Same process, but the front this time. And I want you to watch!" She pointed at me, then laid the blade on my collarbone.

I ducked my head, eyes trained on the blade as she cut open my skin. I watching in silence, the scream choked in my throat, as the knife spilt open my chest and blood pulsed out. It was agonizing.

"So beautiful, all covered in crimson." She murmured. "Now let's use the sharp knife."

She set a pristine blade against my collarbone and then yanked down, deeper than any of the other times. I heard a scraping sound and managed to force a scream out. I looked down and saw a flash of white. Bone. She cut all the way to my ribs.

My legs were shaking, barely holding me up as I stared at my bloody chest. She moved back and then had Tuesday flip over. With him, she did it at an angle, the two cuts meeting where the button of his shorts was.

She walked out, muttering to herself.

Silence followed. We stopped crying, stopped moving, letting a pained silence fall as we stood there. She had left to go do whatever it was she did between experiments.

When she returned again, something was made clear to me.

Her first experiment hurt, but paled in comparison to what she did next.

"Experiments aside, it's time for some fun." She ran her hands up Tuesday's naked torso.

She had us looked at the wall, then began to carve a design into my back.

"For you, Protection." She hissed as she cut. I weighed and screamed. The pain was so intense. I was struggling to keep my eyes open.

A large boom filled the house. All at once, she stopped and unclaimed us. "Back to the room. Now. Into your cages. Make a sound, and I will lock you in the Room."

Both of us nodded and ran down the hall, using the walls as support. We were introduced to the Room early on. It was a bathroom of sorts. She had pushed us into it, followed by a bucket. It was filled with ammonia and a chemical I couldn't remember. She shut the door and left us in there. Soon, breathing hurt, and both of us began to cough violently, hacking up blood. Twice, she had put us in there.

We moved to the cages, still bleeding and covered in blood. I moved into the back of the cage, watching the door fearfully. I reached through the bars and Tuesday took my hand, eyes reflecting my fear.

We sat there, looking down or at each other for several minutes, shaking. I was leaning heavily on the side of the cage, my breaths coming in gasps as I fought back darkness.

"Officer Denning!" I heard a voice call and my eyes flashed to the door. "There is a room down here." The voice was familiar. I knew it. But from where?

"That must be where they are. We've reached this whole house. Are you sure they are here?" It was an older voice this time.

"Very, sir. I have ways of knowing." The first voice responded, then raised to a shout. "San Diego PD. Arms in the air." I stared. That voice was so familiar. Why was it so familiar to me? How did I know it?

The door swung open and I gasped, trying to shrink back further. It was a face I hadn't seen in years.

The person drew closer, eyes staring straight at the cages. "I found them, sir. Two of them." They drew nearer and then squatted in front of my cage, just as my muscles failed and I slipped down to a laying position, laying in my blood, my vision blackening. I managed to hiss out a single word, a name, before my eyes shut.


Yay. One more chapter and then Absent is finished. What did you think of this so far? I really do hope you liked it.

For those who want to know, she cut the Viking Tune for protection into his back.

I will not be posting the last chapter until I have updated my other books. I have no promised posting date. Sorry.

3 years 10 months. Found Date: August 12. Kidnapped date: October 22.

Thank you to SirenNightwalker for the help with this. And for just being there in general.

Holy Mother of Fudge. 3.08K?! I love you all so much!

Oh, and stay sexy

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