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They pushed me into a room that was filled with the smoke of cigarettes and the stench of perfume.

"Where is Belli?" The blonde asked as the Latino lead me to one of the empty tables and mirrors, sitting me down.

"Right here, Boss." A voice called out and I turned to see just who it was that spoke. It was a Woman. No. A man. I didn't know. I was so confused. They looked and sounded like a man, but with a woman's face. They, I decided, walked forward and smiled at the men.

"What'd'ya need, boys?" They asked, winking in my direction.

"I need you to teach our newest." The Latino instructed. "Tell him what is expected and the like."

"Yeah, yeah. I know what to do." They smiled. "I mean, you've seen Saren's face? I remember, it was like working with freaking mount Rushmore. And Gardina kept kept laughing." They rushed in and Only the blonde laughed.

"Yeah. I remember. Now, please, do as we ask, so disciplinary actions do not have to be taken so soon." With that, the two walked away.

"Right, Bosses." They muttered and turned to me. "Well then. Let's many possibilities." Another one walked up, decked out in clothes covered in tassels and face covered in make up.

"Oh, hunty. This should be fun." The new one said, then looked to the man woman person. "She looks like..." She rattled off on a bunch of gibberish. "Good luck, Willam. And you, New kid, listen real well to what she tells you. Willam has this down to an art."

"I see what you mean Saren. Thanks!" She smiled and tipped my head from side to side. "And she is exactly right. So let's get started shall we, then I will explain the rules to you." She pulled on my arm and yanked me to another chair.

She pushed me back and then turned arpund, muttering about where her brush bag went.

"Here it is!" She said triumphantly and got back up. She set it down and began to work on me. I looked at my self in the mirror when she finished and could help but just stare and whisper a single word to myself.

"Damn." I was not gonna lie. I looked good. For a female.

"Now, a wig and some fingernails and you are all set. Then we will go over the rules and teach you some basic moves." The wig and nails were done sooner than I wanted them done and I just stared at myself.

"Now, listen close and follow me to the changing rooms. I would have you change out here, but there is so much stuff I would get mixed up." She weaved through the mess of smoke and perfume, while I padded along after her.

She lead me to a room and then ordered me to sit down while she collected my clothes. As she did that, she began to tell me the rules.

"You will get no less than a thousand dollars a night, and you do what ever you must to meet that. You will go with whoever wants you for the night and pays well for it. You will serve if you are not up on stage dancing. You are to respect the bosses wishes at all times, and you will look others in the eye. Oh! You also will do whatever it is these people pay for. No exceptions. Am I clear?" She pulled her head out to look at me.

"Crystal." I answers and watched as she pulled several clothes out, then put them back. Finally, she pulled out two dresses. One was a very short maid's dress, with the little head frill and a pair of tights. The other was more of a mini pencil skirt and a tube top with a pair of high heels and what appeared to be a collar, leash, and a headband with cat ears.

"These should do." She decided, walking over to me. "Put this one on." She shoved the black skirt outfit at me, keeping the dress. I stripped, then pulled it up to sit on my lower hips, making my v-line very visible.

William whistled and then let her eyes travel down my body. "I know exactly what you should wear under that." She said and once again began to rummage. Not too long after, she shot something black at me. I snatched it and looked at it. It looked like a thong, but with a thicker fabric strip in the back.

I gave her a look and she looked right back at me. "Put it on, then finish getting the clothes on. I have to go on soon, so I need to teach you all I can." With that, she turned and began to hang up clothes that had fallen.

I did as instructed. Let's be clear on one fact right now. Those underwear, or what ever they were, were extremely uncomfortable. I pulled on the shirt, careful not to move my wig or smear my make up, and then out on the rest of the costume, snatching the tights from the other costume. They were black up to about mid thigh, then they went clear.

I finished and stood there with my arms out, looking at William. I cleared my throat and she looked over at me.

"Fuck, Girl. You are going to get a lot of money in that. Your makeup is beat. And those tights are a nice addition. Now, time for some moves. Practice them before you go on stage, and when you do, make it a big show. Now we have to hurry. I still have my wig to put on. And when you go to serve, follow my lead." She instructed.

I nodded, as I thought to myself. Her voice at first, deep and masculine, seemed strange at first, bit, by now, it would be weird to here her say anything with a different voice.

She walked to a pole and looked at me to make sure I was watching, then she swung her hips and dropped to the floor, then pulled herself back up, making a circle. I raised an eyebrow. Damn. I could barely walk in these heels, let alone do that. She walked over and tugged at the top of the boots, which rested at about my knees.

"Here is another you should be able to do in these. I'll demonstrate on this bench, but on stage, you would sit on the edge of the stance with your feet in one of the tables. Highest paying if you can." She sat down and angled her feet so they were way out to the side, and her knees were together. She ran her hand down her thighs, her fingers between her legs. When she got to her knees, she a lowly pulled them apart, then stood up and turned. "At this point, you would then walk back up on stage. Don't forget a hip wiggle. If someone hands you money, make a show of putting it in your clothes, because those are your safe keeping places. And the customers, they like shows." She smiled at me then turned to leave, but she stopped suddenly and turned back to look at me.

"You need a name!" She gasped.

"I have a name." I growled, not comprehending.

"No. You have a dude's name. Not a stage name." She tapped her chin. "Lulu!" She called out, finger in the air.

"How about this. My name is Lulu, but you can call me kitten. Daddy." I looked shyly away, then looked back at William.

"You have got this in the bag, Lulu." She smiled. "Now practice those. I have to go finish getting ready." With that, she was gone.

Ta-da. Lulu is here. Anyway. Help with characters? I'm out of ideas.

For those of you wondering, the blonde boss is based off of Dominic Sherwood(he is HOT. He is the guy in Taylor swift's song style.)

Oh, and stay sexy

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