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Mitch's P.O.V
I was thankfully asleep until we reached our destination. That way, I didn't have to deal with the fear of one of them hurting me because I opened my mouth.

"Wake up!" That same familiar voice, Scott, growled as I was shook awake. I uselessly opened my eyes, knowing there was no reason to. I was still blindfolded. What were they hiding from me? Other than the obvious, their true intentions for me.

I heard the door open and rough hands grabbed my shoulders and yanked me out of the car, other hands pushing on my back. I let out an involuntary whimper of pain. My back stung like fire. Especially where they touched it.

"Take that damn thing off! The Client wants to see his pretty face for themselves. A blindfold hinders that request." I recognized that voice too. It was that Alex guy.

Someone tore off the cloth from around my eyes, pulling some of my hair on the way. I kept my eyes down, watching the legs and shoes off all those I could. Alex was easy to distinguish from the rest, in his dressy pants and shoes. That same focus drew closer, crunching dirt under his feet.

His hand snaked under my chin and forced me to look up at him, eyes blazing.

A smile crept across his face. I didn't like the way it contorted his face into a vile mask. "Oh! This should be quite fun! You have never had Sex before, which means that you're going to be quite fun. Too bad it can't be me enjoying that. But, at least I will get money out of it." He drew back and clapped his hands, a rounder lady with bright, strawberry red hair responding instantly. She trotted closer, eyes expectant.

"Yes, Sir?" She inquired, raising a curious eyebrow.

"I need him unrecognizable. Preferably with short hair that is a different color as well." He ordered and she nodded. "Oh, and make him beautiful for the camera. We are video chatting his soon to be owners."

"Come along!" Her hands clasped on my upper arm and dragged me towards the house. It wasn't a bad looking one either.

In the front door, through the hallways and up stairs, at last they reached a large bathroom. There were cosmetic...things all over the counter.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, cursing myself for letting my voice shake.

"Make-up and the like." She replied, tipping my head side to side, looking over it.

"Let's start with your hair!" She tapped her chin, letting mine go. "You would look good with blonde!" She finally decided.

Little over two hours later, she handed me a mirror. I gawked. My once dark hair was now almost blindingly blonde, and shorter. She cut it to just under my eye.

"So? What do you think?" Her voice was eager.

"It is...strange." I said cautiously.

"You don't like it?" She pouted.

"No, I like it. It is just...I am not used to blonde hair. But no. I do really like it." I said, laying a hand on her shoulder. I smiled widely, then looked at my hair again. As I did, there was a pounding on the door.

"Nicole!" The cherry red haired woman responded. "What do you want? He isn't out, which should be a clear indication that I haven't finished!"

Ben answered. "Alex told me to tell you to hurry. The call happens soon." I heard his mutter something else, but I couldn't understand him through the door. The woman sighed and looked at me.

"One screw up in life, and you are stuck here." She motioned me over to the chair she had set up. "I used to be a make-up artist for singers, all kinds, until one claimed I have fouled them in some way and got me fired. No one would hire me. Except Alex." She ran her hand through her hair and picked up a bottle filled with creamy liquid.

She squirted some of it out onto my wrist and shook her head. "Too pale." Several bottles later, she had found my tone.

"What exactly is this you are putting on my face?" I asked as she dabbed the little pink egg shaped thing with the make-up on my face.

"Foundation." She answered. "Now stop talking. Makes my job harder." She ordered gruffly.

Several minutes later, she had finished with the foundation, powder, blush, some lip gloss, and even a little eye make-up.

When she started to apply the eyeshadow to my eyes, I questioned.

"Trust me. The prettier you look, the nice Alex with treat you because he doesn't want to damage your beauty. So I am helping with that. He will be even nicer if you impress the client." She explained as she finished up. She stepped back. "Now take a look."

I stood back up and walked the the mirror to examine myself. "Woah." I gasped. My face was smooth, unblemished, with a slight pink to my cheeks, full lips, and my eyes. I had never seen my eyes so pronounced. I had to admit. I was cute.

"Nicole!" It was the Scott dude this time. "Is he ready?" I shuddered. Acting like I was nothing more than a doll or some item you could buy at a store.

That is all you are to these people. A voice in my head said bitterly. I mean, think about it, stupid. They keep calling you Cargo, they even told you they were going to sell you, and Nicole told you pretty ones were worth more.

Maybe this voice is were I got my sassiness and my sarcasm.

She looked me over once more. "No outfit change?" She questioned. I looked down at my torn, dirty jeans, and the white and green striped shirt with a large hole in the front, over my left breast, bearing my DeadMau5 tattoo.

"If you are fast." Scott replied. He seemed tired. I wanted to know why.

"I will be. Five minutes. That is all I ask." Nicole replied and gave me a once over. "I have just the thing."

Five minutes later, I was in a large, low cut, black V-neck and skinny jeans that shimmered in a way that made me think they were covered in graphite. I had on a pair of black vans, and my hair was styled neatly.

She opened the door and I saw Scott standing there. I hugged her, murmuring a "Thank you" in her ear, then turned to face my escort.

As we walked away, I heard her call after us. "Good luck, boy."

I am pathetic. So sorry for not updating this. Anyway, any suggestions as to who the buyer should be? Doesn't even have to be a real person. PM or comment names and/or general character traits? I am out of ideas.

Who's Point of View do you want next? Kirstie? Scott? Mitch's again?

Oh, and stay sexy

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