Twenty Four

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Tuesday only seemed to deteriorate from that night. Thankfully, they left him alone. For the most part. But I saw him eating less and less of what little food thry gave us.

You're just over reacting. The food is gross. That is why he isn't eating. I mean, it could be squirrel for all you know. Actually, squirrel doesn't sound to bad. Hey! I heard frogs go really well with Squirrel. Wanna try? Wait. Where would we get a frog?

All this fucking smoke was getting me. And I knew, based upon the strangeness I felt, the insane thoughts, like I was at the dentist and they just gave me happy gas, that it wasn't just cigarettes they were smoking.

As we would walk down the hall, the favorite thing of the residents to do was lean out and put out whatever it was they were smoking against our arms and necks, and even Tuesday's cheek one time.

By far, I was the favorite. I was glad because I did all I could to keep all eyes I could off of Tuesday. I kept my promise to him. I wasn't going to let him get hurt. Not if I could help it.

I was walking back down the hall towards the room I inhabited with Tuesday, when the door opened. Smoke poured out into the hallway, forcing me to cover my mouth.

"Well, well, well. Now there are three of you. A night like that should be my favorite." The woman hissed, reaching out, digging the burning ash against my arm, making me flinch and grit my teeth in pain.

"There is only one of me, and no." I hurried around her outstretched arm. Thankfully, most of these people were too high to tell on me for 'No'.

I opened the door and slipped inside, closing it behind me like I was keeping out an apocalypse. From one of the dark corners, Tuesday spoke up.

"Oh. Just you." His voice was so broken. Even after Wednesday...even after that, his voice never sounded so defeated. Whenever his eyes met mine, his seemed duller, and though a light inside he had gone out.

"Yeah. Just me. Hey, guess what I managed to smuggle in here?" I looked around, then walked closer to him, producing a wrapped item.

He tipped his head to the side and I sat down in front of him. I set it down and unwrapped the dirty cloth slowly, giggling as Tuesday huffed.

At last, it revealed a single cookie. Or, it was. Now it was in several pieces.

"Oh my god!" He gasped. "How the hell did you get this?!"

"That is irrelevant." I said nonchalantly, though I shuddered inside. The favors I had to do. "But I did it to get my special boy a treat." I smiled and pushed it towards him.

"Hell no." He said, more out of shock than anything. "You don't want any yourself?" He seemed shocked and I just laughed, getting to my knees I leaned forward and hugged him, supporting myself with my hand.

"Nope." I popped the 'p'. "This is all for you." I stood and walked over to the bed, flopping backwards, eyes closed. Suddenly the bed dipped and I cracked open an eye, looked at Tuesday as he sat beside me, nibbling the cookie, seeming unaware of my gaze. I smiled and closed my eyes, content.

Yes, I was still stuck in hell, but I had the sweetest person with me. If it was my choice, though, I would suffer this alone so he didn't have to go through this.

A few months ago, he told me about his friends.

"They were all so different." He started, chuckling. "Monday. You can't help but love her. She is also so quiet. And has no sense of humor, or so she leads you to believe. She is one of the funniest people I knew." His eyes glittered for the first time in months. "Thursday, well, he was something special. That boy could outsass anyone. He didn't care much for other's opinions. I remember, on the first day he arrived, one of the girl hit on him and he simply patted her head and walked away, calling back, 'Wrong team, sweetheart.' But his fashion sense. It was horrendous." These memories got him laughing and I watched him, smiling. It was good to see him like this.

"Oh, how I would love to meet them." I said and he grinned.

"That isn't even all of them. Saturday and Sunday, those two were inseparable. It amazing to me that they ended up together. Sunday, well, everyone just called her Conscience. She was always sweet and trying to appeal to people's better nature. Everything about her was bright and modest. Saturday, in the other hand, was dark. Everything she wore was dark, she dyed her hair purple, and if she wanted to, her mouth could emit jokes dirty enough to make God blush." He sighed, the happiness chilling out to soberness. I was leaning against the headboard.

"If you don't want to tell me..." I trailed off.

"No. I want to. I want to share them with you. Despite these differences, they are always together. Sunday always called Saturday 'Starfall', after a necklace Sunday had given her on their first date. I had always wanted that." He paused for a moment then laughed again. "Now Friday. Friday was something! He had no chill. At least, until he was next to Monday, then he was a stuttering mess. His hair was long enough in the back to put into a ponytail-which he did, everyday!-and he has several of those fake hair accessories. He was...crazy. He loved to sing, but DJing, that was his thing and he was so good at it." He smiled and sighed again, falling silent, caught up in memories. I saw a few years fall from his eyes and just watched him.

"Mitch! Hello? You didn't die on me, did you? I know you've been watching me. I slept with your mother!" I blinked.

"What?" I asked and Tuesday began to laugh, a sound I had missed. "There is no way you slept with my mom." I replied and looked at him.

"Hey, know how you told me about your friends a few months back?" I added after a pause.

"Yes..." His eyes narrowed.

"Well, I want to tell you about mine."

Hey! Next chapter! So, I know I said that I wouldn't be on today, and that is because I thought it was true. But it isn't. So! Here it is!

3 Years Four months

Next chapter will be a special one.

Oh, and stay sexy

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