Twenty One

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Kirstie's P.O.V
This chapter will probably just be somewhere around 500 words. But I will try to make it longer.
Eighteen months. That is how long Mitch had been gone.

Four months. That is how long it had been since Avi and I split. I felt so bad about it, but I was still focusing on finding Mitch. My hopes and dreams, that night, though were shattered.

I remembered the developing story of the body found outside the police station the night before. There was nothing on the Morning news, so it was tonight that I hoped to gain answers. I sat watching the news, as they recounted the story about the body.

"The body found early yesterday morning had been identified as Wednesday Devney, who was reported missing it her brother, Tuesday Devney eight months ago. The killers are Hollie and Ethan Wilford..." Two people flashed up on screen. They were creepy. Smiles lit their faces and everything seemed to be a great joy to them, but their eyes were cold.

The screen shifted to a police officer, standing in front of a pleasant house. "While investigating the house, they found what could only be described as a torture room. There was blood everywhere. We managed to gather two fresh samples of blood. We have identified one of the samples as Tuesday Devney. The second belongs to Mitchell Grassi, who disappeared a year and a half ago. There are no known whereabouts of either boy, but the whole force is searching..."

I paused the television and say in silence. Then I called Nel.

"Have you seen the news!?" I shrieked the moment she answered.

"No, I didn't need to. They already told me. They said that a significant amount of my son's blood was found there, mixed with the blood of the other two children. They told me to prepare for the worst." I had never heard her sound so defeated.

"No. He isn't dead." I denied, more to myself than anything. "He is just missing. Not dead."

"Face the facts, Kirstie!" She yelled through the phone. I knew she didn't mean to. "Those people killed that girl and more than likely killed her brother and my son." She hung up, without a goodbye.

For the first time since his birthday, I allowed myself to break down and cry for Mitch.

Knowing no other person to call, I called Avi. But who answered surprised me. "Kirstie?" It was Kevin. "What do you need?"

"Where is Avi? Please, I need to talk to him. It's about Mitch." I sniffed, trying to curb my crying.

There was the sound of Kevin shouting, followed by rustling, then Avi's voice came through the phone. "What? What happened?" I loved Kevin, but he just didn't understand what I was going through. Avi didn't really either, but he had a better understanding.

"They found a house. It's on the News. But they found his blood. In a house. The girl...she died!" My sentences were jumbled probably made no sense. I heard Avi tell Kevin to turn on the News.

"Where is the..." Kevin asked.

"Here. Give me the remote." I raised an eyebrow as their conversation continued. I waited as I heard the television start. Five minutes, after letting my thoughts wander, he cleared his throat. "Well..." He started.

"He's gone." I said. "My best friend was killed. His body is no where to be found." That is what the police made it sound like.

"I am so sorry, Kirstie." He returned.

"No. No. It's fine." I tried to make my voice chipper as we said our goodbyes and hung up. I hugged my knees to my chest as my mother walked in.

"What's wrong!?" She sat down next to me.

"Mitch. Th-they killed him."

"Oh honey!" She wrapped me in a hug and let me cry against her shirt.

As I cried, I came to a realization. Now I had nothing to do. I couldn't keep looking for someone dead.

I had to let him go.

I love you Mitch. I whispered to myself as I sat there, my mother hugging me close. But it is time to lay your memory to rest.

Yay. Three chapters in one day(probably 4 because I can't stop writing this. I love it so much)

SirenNightwalker please don't kill me?

Oh, and stay sexy

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