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Mitch's P.O.V (Smutish)
That night, after Ash had sobered up, I was returned to Alex. He smiled at me. "I have just the place for you." He chirped, clapping his hands together.

I just kept my head down. I was in so much pain that nothing else really got to me.

"You will like these people. A nice couple."

"Somehow, I don't believe you." I spat back. The moment the words left my mouth, I readied myself, but nothing happened. He didn't lay a hand on me. Instead he spoke over me, acting like I wasn't even there, like I hadn't just spoken.

"There you are Hoying. Been missing you." I could here the implied thought in that word.

"Sorry, forget to tell you that I found a job at a local bar." Scott. I knew that voice. "But I plan on still working for you."

Why? He had a chance out. Why didn't he take it? Did he like the suffering we went through? None of these swirling questions were uttered out loud.

"Good. I would had to lose such a valuable asset." There was something in the word Asset that implied something. Something definitely sexual.

"It's back again?" The topic of conversation changed dramatically, focusing now on me.

"Yeah. Caused problems with the law. I was going to punish him, but them Wilford contacted me and told me he and his wife want this slut."

"Ain't they already got those siblings? The ones I collected like six months ago?" Scott asked. "And aren't they that couple Ben was talking about? The Sadists*?"

"Yep. He is offering a high sum for this boy, but won't take it until it is in mint condition."

"What happened? Besides the obvious bruise?" Scott inquired and Alex ordered me to show him the cut on the other side of my head, then lift the shabby shirt.

"Damn. Think he has a snapped rib? That is a vicious mess. Damn." He whistled again, shaking his head.

"Damn it. Hadn't even thought of that. Shit. I'll talk to them and try to bargain."

"His hair is a fucking mess. I mean, look at it." Scott hissed.

"Yeah. I know. Take him to Nicole. She'll fix up his hair."

I felt Scott grab my arm. "Get moving." Together, we once again began the same march to the same room that I have gone to, everything I am bought by someone else.

She fixed me up, re-bleaching my hair and cutting it the same way it had been when we bleached it the first time, leaving it to my jaw this time.

When Scott came to get me, he smiled at Nicole, then we walked away. The moment her door shut he stopped and made me look at him. "I will get you out of here. I will save you." He promised.

I looked at him. I knew he was probably my only shot, but like I would believe him. "No thanks. I can take care of myself. Always have." I growled.

He scoffed and shook his head. "Fine, boy, but you will regret that decision." He began to sulk, drawing himself up, though his eyes became devoid of emotions. The moment we got to Alex, he stormed away, muttering to himself.

"Good news! They will get you tomorrow. Which means I can have the night with you." He smiled, but everything about it was frigid.

He he wasted no time ripping the shirt I wore up over my head and then pushing me back until my ass touched the table. Then he pushed me down, laying my back flat on the cold metal, my back arching up, away from the freezing table top. He stood between my legs.

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