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Thankfully, before I was called on stage, I got those down, and even managed to learn a third one.

The third was definitely complicated. But I got it, eventually, and even added a little Mitchie Flavor.

"Well, well, well, are these women just beautiful?" It was the Latino man. He must have been speaking into a microphone. "You folks are lucky. Tonight, he have a new dancer." He announced. The Drag Queens around me smiled and gestured me towards the stage. "Come on out, Sweetheart." He called and I emerged onto the bright stage, forcing myself not to squint.

Someone in the room whistled, and others cat called, calling me the same names I had been calling myself for months. The same names Drake had called me. I took it all in stride, trying to block them out as I sashayed up to the Latino.

I blinked at me and smiled shyly. "You called, daddy?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Why don't you tell everyone your name, Kitty." He said, grunting at my nickname for him, tugging gently at my collar.

"Of course. Name's Lulu, you can call me what ever you like." I looked to a rather drunk man closer to the stage and winked.

He laughed and someone from the back yelled at him. "Ciro! Let the whores dance again. We don't pay to hear you. We pay to hear them." The sexual meaning was clear. I looked down, playing it off as Shy, but I did it to hide my gritted teeth. Sick.

He agreed and sent me back, slapping my ass as I did so. "You are very right, sir. So, I will shut up, and let the girls take over." Then, he walked to the same door where we all were and looked at me.

"You better earn me good money. Because trust me, the consequences are not something you want to ever experience." He murmured, then waved to the line of drag queens I was slipping through to get out on stage. There were seven of us, including me, Willam, and Saren. We all walked in stage and each claimed one of the poles. All except one of them, who walked straight to the edge of the stage and then down to the floor, where a man was waving money in the air. He grabbed at her and she let his hands slide over her skin, and even into her bottoms, stuffing cash in. She danced on his lap, rubbing herself against his crotch.

I looked away and did as the others around me did, ranging around the pole. As I dropped into a crouch, I felt a hand slide money into my pants. I resisted the urge to shutter. It was like Drake. Hands all over with no consent. But instead, I swing my hips up and swung around the pole to look at the man.

"Well hello there, darling." I mouthed to him and then dropped to my hands and knees, waving my ass, as I smiled as him.

He handed me another bill and I took it before standing up. With it still in hand, I slid my hands down my body and into the underwear, giving a little moan for show as I rested the money there.

I removed my hands and fluttered my eyelashes, before going back to the pole.

One time, Willam came up to me and pulled me close. "Play along Lulu." She whispered and ran her hands down my scarred back to cup my ass, a few of her fingers slipping into the space between my legs, the area open due to a slit in it. I grinded against her and we both moaned. Again, more money. This time though, I did something I didn't even know I could. I saw the money and bent down, snatching it gently with my teeth, then I moved back to Willam. Starting at the base of her leg, I ran it up, my other hand sliding up the smooth skin on her legs. I heard a hiss of pleasure and smiled. Standing up, I pulled the money from my mouth, reached down, rubbed it against her, then stuck in in her pants.

Finally, we were allowed off stage and she pulled me back to the earlier room to change into my made outfit. She tossed asode the frill. "Keep the ears, collar, and leash." She advised, then helped me collect all of the bills.

I smiled at her and counted up. Two thousand and some. She raised an eyebrow. "Damn girl. And the night ain't even half over. Now hurry and change. You have to go give this Money to the Boss."

As I pulled the dress on, I looked at her. "Which boss?"

She chuckled. "Right. You wouldn't know. Take it to Dom." He must be the blonde one. At last, I was dressed and went to go do as told.

I found Dom and walked up. "Hey, boss?" I asked demurely.

"Ah. It's the kitten!" He said and then tipped up my head to look at him. "What do you need?"

"Willam said to give you this." I handed him the money, still in the black boots.

"Well done! You definitely did very well. Now, go wait on our valued customers." He waved me away and I went to do just that, finding Willam.

"Grab a tray, sweet cheeks." She suggested. "Let's tale and order first actually. Then we will get a tray for you." She walked over to a table of men, who seemed to have just gotten here. She looked to my and then stepped to the side. The meaning was clear. 'You take this.'

I smiled at them and walked to the table, leaning down to rest my arms on it as I got ready to write their order. "What can I get for you, Boys?" I asked sweetly, giggling as one winked at me.

The last one to place his order had been staring at my ass in the air the whole time I had been taking their ordered. I wasn't really surprised by his answer, but I still had to fight a wave of nausea.

"Why can I get for you, Sir? We have all sorts of beverages." I smiled sweetly.

"I want that add of your wrapped around my cock." I simply laughed.

"Maybe later, Cowboy." I leaned in and kissed his cheek before drawing back. "You sure you don't want anything else?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I want to be completely sober when I slam you around." He growled.

Knowing that I still had a job to do, I simply looked away, and informed them I would be back in a moment.

I got to the bar and placed the orders, then asked for a beer for one of the gentlemen, lying and telling the Barista that he had no clue was he wanted. She happily gave me a free shot for him and I smiled.

Willam watched me all the while, chuckling. As I went to go hand out the drinks, I stopped long enough to scribble a note for the man.

"Here we are." I chirped and gave them their drinks. As I set the shot down in front of the last man, I felt him grab my leg.

"Is something wrong sir?" I asked as I turned back to face him.

"I didn't order anything, slut. Don't fucking screw up the orders." His grip tightened and I squirmed momentarily.

"Oh, well, that is definitely my bad. Let me make it up to you." I leaned in and kissed him, slipping the paper In the edge of his jeans, before drawing back and taking the shot glass with me. "It won't happen again." I apologized waggling my hips.

Holy mother! Over 1k reads? Y'all are so amazing! Thank you all so much. I really do hope you like the book.

Oh, and stay sexy

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