Chapter Twenty-six - "Don't Bother."

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Twenty-six

'Don't Bother.'

Scene ...

Two Weeks Later

Joe's POV

Selena called me every day since it happened. It'd been two weeks, but she was persistent. Nevertheless, I ignored all of them, most calls being during a time I was out with Demi, who was still unaware.

I had no idea what Selena wanted to talk about; She could've wanted a relationship out of me that I just couldn't give her, and I couldn't risk that. She could've also wanted to mend things and explain herself, in order to restore things back to the way they were. But then I'd be even more guilty. Guilty for keeping secrets from Demi, or even creating secrets to be kept in the first place. Whatever she wanted out of me, couldn't be handled over the phone. Even though I knew it would probably be a mistake, I risked it. If I had the chance to possibly fix things, I'd take it, even if it may mean more destruction.

When I got to Selena's house, I didn't knock. I walked in and saw her. Sitting there. Waiting for me. I froze when I caught her eyes, feeling this slight pull between the two of us. I tried to ignore it and failed, closing the door behind me and approaching her. It was right then that I realized that none of this could be erased. There would forever be a sexual tension between Selena and I, no matter how hard I tried to pretend that there wouldn't be. Some part of me would always want her again, and I knew she felt the same. She stood when I met her front; I kept about a foot between us.

When she opened her mouth to begin to speak, I shivered, feeling a guilty pleasure run over me when I thought about the fullness of her heart- shaped, pink shaded lips, and how they had felt against my own.

I could already feel my heart pounding.

"Joe," she said, fiddling with the long, thick extensions in her hair. "You came."

"I felt like I had to," I responded, looking her in the eye. "The guilt is killing me."

Selena took a breath, her chest heaving slowly. "I just feel like I should apologize. For everything that happened that night; everything I wanted you to do." I just looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "I don't know what was going through my head, I think I was just. . . I don't know. . jealous." She took a step closer to me, placing a hand on my bicep, looking me in the eyes. I felt her slightly squeeze my firm muscle before finally finishing. "I wanted . . . ,  well I guess it's pretty obvious what I wanted-"

"You made me CHEAT on Demi, Selena." I stated, looking away from her.

"I know I did, but, I . . I was just . . just. . . you were all I could think about. And I know that doesn't make any of this right, but...," She stepped closer to me, her hand still on my arm. "I'm sorry that I put us in this mess."

'Bullshit,' I thought, even though I knew what she was saying was genuine. That was just how Selena was: a genuinely nice girl. I'd always thought that, even after that night, only because I knew that I was just as much at fault as she was.

I sighed, shaking her fingers from my arms, and running both of my hands down her shoulders, gripping her elbows softly. Her eyes softened as she looked at me. My head dropped to the floor. "I just wish I could take it all away." I let her go, turning around and walking towards the wall that was far behind me, staring at nothing. "I love her too much to lose her."

She placed a delicate hand on my shoulder, and walked around to the front of me. I flinched, having a flashback of that night. My heart rate picked up again.

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