Chapter Sixty-three - 'Revelations'

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Sixty-three



Demi's House

Joe's POV

After a morning breakfast run to a nearby McDonalds, I made my way over to Demi's. I was itching to see her; the night before was the first night we'd spent apart since our engagement, and I missed her in a way I'd never imagined I could. I never thought that being without her would be as difficult as it was, but it only made sense. After our breakup, I was sure that I'd lost her forever. But the more that I fought and fought for her heart, the closer she inched back to me. Once I got her again, I guess I became more attached than I'd realized. Whether or not that was healthy, I was unsure. But I was sure that she was going to remain in my life, and it was my responsibility to ensure that for the both of us.

I left the car back at my home so that Nick could have free reign of it, and opted to walk to Demi's that morning. The restaurant was on the way, so I grabbed some breakfast for the two of us, and planned to surprise her with it.

As my walk came to an end and I began to approach her doorstep, I turned around at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Immediately, I recognized that it was my brother, and waited for him to emerge from the vehicle.

"Dude, why didn't you tell me you were coming here? We could've-,"

"I didn't plan on it," he stated, shutting the driver door and pressing the lock.

He looked determined as he made his way to the front door ahead of me. I followed him then, as he twisted the knob and entered the living room of the house.

"What's going on?" I asked, shutting the door behind me.

"I need to talk to you and Demi. Demi, we're here!" He yelled up the stairs. A part of me wanted to jab his shoulder for disrespecting my fiancée in such a manner, but it subsided quickly at the sight of Demi.

She came down the stairs in a second, her hands tucked into the pockets of one of my old hoodies. It was obviously much too large for her, but she looked adorable. Demi approached me first, wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Hey," she whispered, tucking her head into my chest. I wrapped my free hand around her back, giving her a quick hug. She released me then, and turned to Nick, running her hand through her hair. "What's up?"

"I think we should talk," he replied.

"About what?" I interjected, causing Nick's eyes to jump over to me.


I rolled my eyes. "I thought we already handled this-,"

"Well, we didn't. Not this part, anyway." Nick said. I decided to let him speak, instead of allowing my frustration to get the better of me again. Demi wasn't too fond of how I'd handled it the day before, so I monitored my temperament as he explained. "I know why Selena tried to kill herself."

Demi stepped toward him then, her arms crossed.

"Nick, we all think we know why, but we don't actually know."

"Demi," Nick said, staring directly into her eyes. "I know."

She closed her eyes, taking in a breath. "Okay," she responded. She grabbed me by the hand then, and tugged me with her to the couch. Nick followed behind the both of us, and sat down across from Demi and I. I set down the bag of food on the coffee table as Demi placed herself in my lap, my arms around her waist.

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