Chapter Fifty-seven - "The Unknown"

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Fifty-seven

'The Unknown'

Selena's POV

"Lady Demetria! How does it feel to finally be seventeen?"

"Get the fuck out of my face, loser," Demi said with a shy smile as she pushed away my camera. I turned the lens onto my own face, deciding to make my own commentary.

"So far the queen is not too pleased with aging."

"Oh, my God, shut up," Demi said, rolling her eyes

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"Oh, my God, shut up," Demi said, rolling her eyes.

"Demi," I said, pointing the camera back at her. She came into focus through her makeup mirror as she applied a dark layer of eyeshadow. "You and I have been best friends since we were eleven years old. That's six whole years! How does that make you feel?" Demi put down her makeup brush and turned around in her seat to face the camera.

"It makes me feel like the past six years were a complete waste because you're leaving me to go live in La La Land."

"Demi...," I groaned, shutting off the camera and dropping my hands to my sides. "C'mon, don't turn my last day with you into a guilt trip."

"I'm sorry!" Demi exhaled frustratedly. "It's just . . . I wanna be happy for you, but," she stood then, brushing her brownish-red bangs from her face. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Sel."

"And I'm gonna miss you, too! But I'm not gone yet, Dem."

"I know, but-,"

"So can we please," I interrupted, setting down the camera on the bathroom counter, and placing my hands onto her shoulders, "please, just have a great day today, full of nothing but amazing memories contained in an egotistical amount of selfies?"

It took her a moment, but a small smile finally appeared on her face.




Joe's POV

"This is my fault," Demi whispered. "She did this because of me."

Demi was sitting beside me in the empty waiting room of the hospital, her forehead pressed against my shoulder. She wept into my shirt silently, each shaky breath becoming heavier with sorrow.

"This is in no way your fault." I replied, bluntly. She looked up at me then, wiping her eyes.

"Joe it has to be!"

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