Chapter Sixty-nine - "For the Sex."

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Sixty-nine

'For the Sex.'

Joe's POV

The day was a long one, but it was by far the most productive.

Over the span of about six hours, Demi and I managed to pack all of her things, load them into our cars, check out a new apartment, sign a new lease, and move everything of hers in. I had yet to gather my things because I wanted ample time to tell my brother, rather than blindside him with the news. As impulsive as my decision to get married and move out in a single day was, I still thought to be considerate of him. And while I knew he needed his space, I didn't want him to feel completely abandoned. I still wanted to be close to my brother, even when we were apart. I knew that the next few days would prove a bit difficult for him, so it was important to me that he and I parted on good terms.

In the meantime, Demi and I were finishing up settling her things into our new place. We were dedicated workers, and we made a great team. The amount of endurance she put forth throughout such a long hard day was impressive.

"You don't want to take a break?" I'd ask her every so often, and each time she'd decline.

"We want to get this done, right?" She'd reply, and with that, she never stopped moving. I loved learning things about her; every moment with her was a surprise.

I had just finished setting up her bed frame in the master bedroom; one that we had both agreed should be ours, since it was much larger than mine. My bed would be going in the guest room later on.

The easiest part about this move was that Demi and I didn't have much furniture together. She and I both previously lived solely in the bedrooms of the homes of the breadwinners. Every piece of furniture back at Nick and I's old place, truthfully belong to Nick. He was the one that purchased the couch, and the TV, and everything in between. Same with Selena.

So while moving was made simple, we had a lot to build on over time.

Not that I was complaining.

"Did you find out what time the courthouse closes?" Demi asked as she hung up the contents of her last suitcase.

"Not for a few hours," I said back. Finishing up my project, I dragged the mattress over top of its box-spring, finally sliding it into place. "Bed's done," I heaved. I looked up at Demi then, whose eyes were all over me.

"Babe," she said, winking at me. "You look incredibly hot working so hard."

I raised my eyebrows at her and grinned, genuinely surprised at how forward she'd become.

"What's gotten into you lately?" I asked, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"What do you mean?" She turned away from her closet, leaving the pile of clothes she was hanging behind. "I was only being honest...," her words lingered flirtatiously.

"Dem," I smiled as she approached me. "You've been giving me googly eyes all day- all week, actually. What's going on in that pretty little head?"

Her hands made their way to my abdomen, which seemed to be their favorite place. As her eyes fluttered up to me, she balled my shirt up in her fists, drawing herself nearer.

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