Chapter Thirty-six - "You Owe Me."

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Thirty-six

'You Owe Me'


In Joe's Room, the Next Day

Joe's POV

The following morning, I hadn't woken up feeling any better. Yes, it was amazing to see Demi again, and my heart was settled after knowing that she was physically okay, but she still wasn't mine. She didn't want me back, she was heart broken, she was fueled by anger, and her emotions were all against me. Even though I'd gotten the chance to explain to her what happened, nothing felt right.

It was as if I'd had some preconceived notion that telling her would make everything okay, but I was absolutely wrong. I'd have to do something big, and once I got her back, I would need to spend the rest of our entire relationship repairing the damage I'd done to her heart. The realization of this was a lot of pressure; so much in fact, that I understood why many boyfriends give up after the first try. It was going to be constant work and mending, lots of effort and time put aside for her, lots of rebuilding trust, and a ridiculous amount of time reminding her that I still did, in fact, love her. I could already see the frustration in the future, but I weighed the pros and cons against each other, and Demi was worth it all.

She never said it out loud that day, but I knew that she still loved me. I knew the moment she asked me to hold her, that she too had longed for my touch. I imagined that would be a difficult situation to be in- missing someone so much and wanting them to be near you, but being unable to, only because of THEIR choices. The whole time, she had the option of calling me and saying that she wanted me near, but her vanity kept her heart at a distance. It was smart on her end, to be guarding her heart once again, but it had to be far more painful than it was for me; to be left with the constant realization that your own broken heart was not caused by your own hand. At least I saw the storm coming, because I was the cause. But to be blindsided, attacked without shelter or protection, as Demi and my brother were, had to be the roughest blow to take.

I rolled over in my bed, my hands against my temples as I tried to figure out what I could do to get Demi back. I'd had an idea, but I needed help in the process, so I was stuck with a difficult decision. Nick had left for the week, so it was only myself in the house. Demi was right back to where we were before I'd seen her, with no contact over our phones. I knew that all I had left was Selena, though we hadn't spoken since the day I'd accused her of intentionally destroying my relationship. Still, I swallowed my pride, got dressed for the day, and headed over to her home.


I was weary upon the approach to her front door. The last time I was there, my heart had been torn to shreds, and the time prior to that, I'd been unfaithful to my girlfriend. It was impossible not to associate this house with horrid memories, but the answer to my problems, ironically, could have been behind the door.

Slowly I knocked.

I almost had expected nothing to happen, but Selena appeared in front of me, looking as beautiful as ever.

"What're you doing here?" She'd asked me, without even saying hello. I'd expected this kind of attitude, but I ignored it.

"I need to talk to you," I responded. She stepped out onto the porch.

"You know where that got you last time, right?" A smirk appeared on her lips, and I felt my anger rising once again. I'd almost thrown in the towel and left, but I had to focus. I needed her help to get the love of my life back, and that mattered more than my own personal emotions toward her.

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