Chapter Fifty-four - "Scotch, Weed, and Sleepless Nights."

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Fifty-four

 'Scotch, Weed, and Sleepless Nights.'

Joe's POV


I lied in my bed next to Demi that night, her head in my chest, my eyes to the ceiling. She had decided against returning to the hotel for the night, as she didn't yet want to part from me. Of course I went along with it; I'd be crazy to argue that a woman should leave my bed. Still, there were a lot of things I had to adjust to - sharing my bed being one of them. 

I couldn't quite get to sleep, though the love of my life was nuzzled against me in a peaceful slumber. So eventually, I slid out of bed - careful not to disturb Demi - and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

In the past, whenever I was having a particularly restless night, I would pour myself a glass of scotch and pair it with a tightly packed blunt. And while weed-smoking wasn't something I had indulged in more recently, I wouldn't have minded to have some on me right then. I did have the scotch readily available, though, so I didn't hesitate to pour myself a glass. 

I pulled a small cup from a cabinet beside the fridge, untwisted the bottle of liquor, and filled my glass about halfway. Just as I began to screw the cap back on, I heard the front door open, alongside the familiar rattling of Nick's keys. His footsteps came nearer to me, until finally he appeared before me in the kitchen.

"What're you doing up?" He asked, tossing his keys on the island. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What does it look like?" I said back, lifting the glass to my lips. Nick chuckled.

"You're missing something," he said, pulling a bag from his jacket pocket. He then tossed it onto the counter, and the smell of pot rushed quickly into my nostrils. 

"You're joking," I said, wide-eyed. Setting down my glass on the counter before me, I quickly picked up the bag, examining what had to be an incredibly expensive strain of weed (based on the odor). 

Nick came around the island and grabbed a second glass for himself. 

"I guess we both had the same thing in mind," he said as he poured the brown liquid into the cup. I turned to him.

"Rough night?" I asked. First he took a sip, then answered.

"I had sex with Selena."

My eyes widened, and immediately I turned around and looked at him.

"No shit?"

"No shit," he replied. "No doubt I'll regret it soon enough, so I figured I may as well drown my sorrows."

"I'm right there with ya," I responded.

I didn't bother asking any questions, mainly because I didn't like to think about the fact that my brother and I had sex with the same girl. But also because he didn't seem to want to talk about it anyway. So instead, I raised my glass, and clinked it against his. We both tossed back what was left of our drinks, right before we went for the bottle and refilled them yet again. As I went to sip some more, Nick began raiding through the kitchen drawers, in search of something as he began to ask me a question.

"So what could possibly be keeping you up, engaged man?" I set down my glass.

"Probably the fact that I'm an engaged man," I said simply. Nick finally found what he was looking for - the pipe he usually used for his tobacco - and placed it onto the counter behind him. He extended his hand to me, and I handed him the bag of weed. As he started breaking down the plant and stuffing it into his pipe, he continued talking.

"Yeah, I thought that was pretty hasty," he laughed. "But Demi's great for you."

"You keep saying that," I said, watching him pick apart the plant. "What makes you so sure?"

Nick emptied the remainder of the bag into the pipe, packing the bowl tightly. He then lifted it and turned to me.

"Because she makes you look good. She's everything that you need exactly when you need it, even when you don't ask." He set his drink back onto the counter, freeing up his other hand. "She balances you out, Joseph. You better appreciate that woman." He finished. 

I chuckled at him as his free hand patted down his pockets.

"You forget a lighter?" I asked, sipping from my glass. He nodded.

"You got one?"

"Nope," I responded.

"I do," I heard her voice say. Nick and I both jumped a bit at the sound of it, but slowly she walked over to us, the orange lighter in her palm.

"Hey babe, did we wake you?" I asked, wrapping my arm around her and kissing her forehead. Demi smiled as Nick took the lighter from her hand.

"Nah, the smell down here was a lot louder than you guys." Nick laughed at her joke, but I was actually surprised that she knew the smell. I looked down at her pretty face, cracking a sly grin.

"Demi, you smoke pot?" I asked. Her smile grew larger than life.

"Come on, Joe. You didn't think that Selena and I sat in the house knitting all day, did you?"

"Are you shitting me?" I asked, my smile never leaving my face. I was learning more and more about this girl each day, and I never got enough. 

Nick lit the bowl quickly, taking in a deep inhale before immediately releasing it with a thousand heavy coughs

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Nick lit the bowl quickly, taking in a deep inhale before immediately releasing it with a thousand heavy coughs.

"It's been a while," he said, clearing his throat as his eyes watered. 

"Clearly," I said, laughing. 

Demi took the pipe and lighter from Nick's hands, promptly placing the end at her lips and lighting it up.

And she took the longest drag Nick and I had ever seen in our lives, all the while keeping the lighter burning in the bowl until she was done. We then watched her hold it in her lungs for what felt like forever, before she slowly exhaled more smoke than we could have ever imagined she'd breathed in.

"Nice," she muttered, handing Nick back the bowl and lighter with a smile. "Goodnight!" Then she quickly kissed my cheek, and headed up the stairs, leaving Nick and I in absolute shock.

"See Joe!" Nick interjected before I could even speak. "She even balances out your usage of illegal drugs." He grinned, sparking up the lighter. "She's perfect for you."


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