Chapter Fifty-three - "Complications and Frustrations."

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Fifty-three

'Complications and Frustrations.'


Late that night.

Nick's POV

Every time I pressed call, I'd hang up.

I tried again. 

And again. 

And again.

But I kept hanging up.

It was 1:06 in the morning, and I was absolutely restless. Everything within me knew that if she saw me calling, she'd answer. But I couldn't convince myself to let the call go through. Each time I gathered up the courage, it dissipated in a millisecond. But why was I even calling her? What did I need to say? Why was she on my mind all over again?


I pressed 'call', and immediately hung up before it could connect. 

"Come on, just do it," I thought to myself. "What're you so afraid of?"


I pressed 'call.'

And it rang. 

And on the second ring, she answered.

I started speaking before she even said 'hello.'

"I know you weren't expecting this, and honestly neither was I. But, I think you and I should talk." It took everything in my not to vomit right then and there, but I held strong, the phone pressing into my ear.

"Okay," she agreed, after a moment of silence. "The door is open."


"God, I need a drink," I thought to myself as I pulled into her driveway. I hadn't taken the time to dress or change; it was too damn early for all of that, so I needed to get to her before I changed my own mind.

The headlights gleamed brightly into her window, and I saw her silhouette through the glass. 

No turning back now.

Putting the car in park, I approached her front door right as she opened it. She looked just a restless as I felt, even with her injuries still present. I was happy to see that her swelling had gone completely, and now she was just left with cuts and bruises. She tugged on the bandage that was still wrapped around her hand, glancing nervously around me before finally looking me in the eye.

"Hey," she whispered. I took in a deep, shaky breath.

"I've been thinking," I began, hastily. "About a lot of things, actually. But mostly, I've been thinking about you."

"And..." She asked, keeping her eyes on mine.

" She asked, keeping her eyes on mine

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