Chapter Fifty-two - "Are You Serious?"

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"I've Never Cried"

Chapter Fifty-two

'Are You Serious?'



Nick's POV

Demi grabbed the remote from the coffee table and clicked off the TV as I took a seat on the couch. Both she and my brother stood over me, and I suddenly felt like I was about to be scolded by my parents. Glancing at the both of them, I asked,

"So what is this about?"

Joe started to act like he did whenever he felt nervous - fidgety, not making eye contact, and rambling

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Joe started to act like he did whenever he felt nervous - fidgety, not making eye contact, and rambling. I knew my brother better than he thought I did, so I was sure that whatever he had to say to me was something that would somehow affect both of our lives. Still, I listened to Joe's rambling, waiting for him to get to his point.

"Well, I'm not sure how you're gonna take this, but I hope that you take it really well because, um . . . well anyway," I kind of wanted to laugh at how awkward he was becoming, but I kept my face serious. Joe stuffed his hands into his jean pockets, before pulling them right back out again and running them through his hair. 

"Obviously, I've worked things out with Demi, and we're both in a really good place. And I'm really glad that you guys are such good friends because that makes this whole thing that much easier-,"

"Joe," Demi interrupted, a smile playing on her lips. I could see in her eyes that she found Joe's nerves humorous as well. "You're rambling," she said, grinning. When Joe locked eyes with her, his entire energy changed, and it was actually pretty shocking to witness. 

Demi had placed her hand into his, and suddenly Joe was calm, relaxed, and collected

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Demi had placed her hand into his, and suddenly Joe was calm, relaxed, and collected. I had known Joe my entire life, and never once had I seen anything like this happen before. 

"You're right," he said to her, his eyes filled with genuine care for her. It was crazy how connected these two were, and I immediately realized just how good Demi was for Joe.

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