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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: liamsinzayn, niallhoran ]

fakeliampayne: wat is going on between you twoooo ??

liamsinzayn: nothin

niallhoran: what y talking bout mate

niallhoran: hey zayn :)

liamsinzayn: hey ni

fakeliampayne: thaT thats what im talking bout

fakeliampayne: "hey zayn" "ni"

fakeliampayne: how do u know zayn niel

niallhoran: chill is it a crime to make new friends?

fakeliampayne: yea when he was my frienddd firsttt

liamsinzayn: is this really happening??

liamsinzayn: holy shit

fakeliampayne: and followin him & commentingg & liking all his pics ?? chill mateee

niallhoran: why are you jelly ?? 😏

fakeliampayne: shut up yes i am

liamsinzayn: wHAT ???

niallhoran: wait what seriously ?? 😆😆

liamsinzayn: is this real life ??

fakeliampayne: yes i am!!

liamsinzayn: I'm in love with you liam holy shit

niallhoran: cool mate looks like our plan worked zayn ;)

niallhoran: quicker than I thought too damn lmao

fakeliampayne: wat what plannnn ?? 😡😠😡😠

liamsinzayn: please stop using emojis daddy I hate them

fakeliampayne: fine but what plannn z ??

fakeliampayne: and daddy ??

liamsinzayn: i always call you daddy :(

fakeliampayne: yea butt u haven't in a whileee

liamsinzayn: awww you're so cute I swear

liamsinzayn: and sorry I was upset but I will still call you daddy is that okay??

fakeliampayne: fuck yea

fakeliampayne: anywayss back to the important questionnn

fakeliampayne: what plannnn ??

liamsinzayn: omg FINEEEE

liamsinzayn: it was niall's idea though

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