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niallhoran posted a photo

niallhoran happy bday t me haha 🍻🍻 @justinbieber 😍😘

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niallhoran happy bday t me haha 🍻🍻 @justinbieber 😍😘

liamsinzayn liked your photo

liamsinzayn commented: hOLY FUCK NO WAY NO WAY
liamsinzayn commented: I knew it
liamsinzayn commented: no I didn't but holy fuck I'm so happy right now ily both
liamsinzayn commented: happy birthday my irish muffin


[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: they're probably fuckingg right now huh?

fakeliampayne: whoooo ?

liamsinzayn: niall and justin

fakeliampayne: haha yeah deffo areeee they haven't seen each other in like two monthssss

liamsinzayn: aw aw

liamsinzayn: is it weird if I say I really wanna watch them??

fakeliampayne: 🙄 yes

liamsinzayn: oh well who cares they're both hot af

fakeliampayne: i don't agree

liamsinzayn: you're ridiculous omg

fakeliampayne: anywayssss

fakeliampayne: can I ask u a questionnnn ?

liamsinzayn: I suppose liam

fakeliampayne: when do I get ur number ??

liamsinzayn: what

fakeliampayne: ur phone number z haha

liamsinzayn: liam payne you want my number??

fakeliampayne: yeahhh wanna facetime u

fakeliampayne: I really wanna hear ur voice finallyyyy haha

liamsinzayn: holy shit

liamsinzayn: omg

fakeliampayne: haha the only reason I post so much on here is to talk to u

liamsinzayn: aw aw

liamsinzayn: I like that we message on here it's like our thing you know :)

fakeliampayne: I suppose

liamsinzayn: you can get my number after we finally meet at the sheffield concert deal?

fakeliampayne: alright fair enoughh

fakeliampayne: I'm gunna wanna facetime u all the time ;)

liamsinzayn: lol I just wanna watch you on FaceTime but not talk

liamsinzayn: you can go on with your day and I'll just be watching you through the screen lol

fakeliampayne: creep

liamsinzayn: can I ask you something? :)

fakeliampayne: course u can

liamsinzayn: alright so

liamsinzayn: when you're performing at the concert can you make sure you sing you & i to me?? lmao

fakeliampayne: lol why that songgg

liamsinzayn: cause that song is a blessing from above

liamsinzayn: I want you to stare all intense at me okay

fakeliampayne: if I can spot u maybe

liamsinzayn: you better spot me wtf I'll be in the front

fakeliampayne: we'll see

liamsinzayn: if you don't I'm not giving you my number lol

fakeliampayne: alright alright what bout if I bring u on stage and sing to u & u can sing along w us ;)

liamsinzayn: nO ARE U PSYCHO

liamsinzayn: wait can you even do that?

fakeliampayne: no I was just jokingg lol

fakeliampayne: if I don't sing to u at the concert I'll give u a private concert in the roommm


liamsinzayn: YES PLS DADDY

fakeliampayne: haha

fakeliampayne: u gunna call me daddy when u see me ? ;)

liamsinzayn: no wtf

fakeliampayne: I won't mind

liamsinzayn: shut up I'm gunna call you asshole

fakeliampayne: if u say so

liamsinzayn: wait

liamsinzayn: promise me something

fakeliampayne: promise u what

liamsinzayn: promise me even if you don't like me in person you'll still at least continue to talk to me on here?

liamsinzayn: liam?? :(

fakeliampayne: that's not gunna happen I already know I'm gunna like u a whole lot in person promise babe :) xx

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