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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: niallhoran ]

liamsinzayn: niall wtf mate

liamsinzayn: niall horan how could you

liamsinzayn: i can't believe you

niallhoran: haha what'd I do?

liamsinzayn: you know what you did

niallhoran: I don't actually?

liamsinzayn: how could you do this to me?

liamsinzayn: the disrespect

niallhoran: ok I have no idea what you're talking about but you're scaring me a bit

niallhoran: what'd I do????

liamsinzayn: ugh hold on liam wants to be added in

[ liamsinzayn has added fakeliampayne to the conversation ]

liamsinzayn: liam tell him what you told me

fakeliampayne: i didnt tell u anythinggg

liamsinzayn: quit lying and tell him

niallhoran: holy fuck what'd you tell him li

fakeliampayne: nothingggg! I didn't say anything

liamsinzayn: liammmmm

niallhoran: just tell me what the fuck was said about me

fakeliampayne: that u like to take baths with bath bombssss

liamsinzayn: that you, NIALL HORAN, have a boyfriend

niallhoran: wtf Liam ???

liamsinzayn: oh hey I like bath bombs too ni :)

niallhoran: I don't take fucking baths with bath bombs wtf that's Harry

niallhoran: I don't even know what bath bombs are

fakeliampayne: heh oh yeahhhh I forgot sorrryyy

liamsinzayn: forget about the bath bombss

liamsinzayn: bigger matters to discuss

liamsinzayn: Niall you have a boyfriend ??

niallhoran: yup

liamsinzayn: you're lying

niallhoran: I'm not?

niallhoran: btw Liam... I have a bigger secret about you that I'm sure zaynie would love to hear about ;)

fakeliampayne: no no I'm sorry niall

liamsinzayn: ooooh what secret??

niallhoran: tell him or I will 😏😎

fakeliampayne: u suck niall

niallhoran: I know that mate ;) now get on with it chop chop

liamsinzayn: yeah chop chop I wanna know :)

fakeliampayne: alrightttt fuck

fakeliampayne: ok truthful tuesday

liamsinzayn: what? lmao

fakeliampayne: it's truthful tuesday so I'm gunna tell u the truth bout somethin

liamsinzayn: it's wednesday though? lol

fakeliampayne: shit for real??

fakeliampayne: alright it's "wow im gunna tell u a secret" wednesday

liamsinzayn: lolololololol

liamsinzayn: alright what is it?

fakeliampayne: remember my 22 birthday ?? We messageddd each other and stuff

liamsinzayn: yeah that was legit last week liam

fakeliampayne: ok & remember when u thought I was drunk

liamsinzayn: you weren't?

fakeliampayne: no I didn't even drink k

liamsinzayn: I knew it then why'd you stop messaging me?

fakeliampayne: cause I was wankinggg

liamsinzayn: tf Liam you couldn't wait till after our conversation ?

fakeliampayne: don't be angry

liamsinzayn: shut up horny ass

niallhoran: hahah oh this is gonna get good

fakeliampayne: no that's not wat I wantedddd to tell u

liamsinzayn: then what?

fakeliampayne: I wanked to the pics of u that youve sent me

niallhoran: it's true I walked in on him lmao it was hilarious as fuck

fakeliampayne: zayn ?

fakeliampayne: zaynnnnnn :(

niallhoran: he's dead

liamsinzayn: wHAT

liamsinzayn: THE

liamsinzayn: FUCK KDENIDNQF




liamsinzayn: I CSN DIE A HAPPY MAN NOW

niallhoran: haha


y'all wanna know niall's bf or nah ??

should I include harry & louis, i wasn't going to because that seemed like too much, but if y'all want them I'll add 'em?

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