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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: okay petition for you to not shave or cut your hair eVER AGAIN

fakeliampayne: haha whyyy

liamsinzayn: you look daddy af with that beard

fakeliampayne: I alwayss look daddy af

liamsinzayn: erm okay

liamsinzayn: and also your hair looks so sexy pushed back ;)

fakeliampayne: thankss I quite like it like that alsoo

liamsinzayn: no Liam wtf

fakeliampayne: what ??

liamsinzayn: you're supposed to reply back with "haha I love that movie"

fakeliampayne: what movieee??

liamsinzayn: are you serious?

liamsinzayn: you don't know what movie that line comes out on?

fakeliampayne: u lost me what line are we talkingg about ??

liamsinzayn: oH MY GOD


fakeliampayne: im sorryyyy 🙁 what line are u talking about again maybe I do know

liamsinzayn: "your hair looks so sexy pushed back"

fakeliampayne: yeah no idk what movie that is

liamsinzayn: WTF WRF WTF

liamsinzayn: SO YOURE TELLING ME


liamsinzayn: mean girls??

fakeliampayne: oh ew hell no

fakeliampayne: wait wait so do u really think my hair looks sexy pushed back or nooo??

liamsinzayn: yes obviously I do Liam but that's not what's important right now so shut up

liamsinzayn: anyways why would you say that about such an amazing movie??

fakeliampayne: thats a stupid chick flick no thnks

liamsinzayn: excuse me what

liamsinzayn: so just because it's a "chick flick" you aren't going to watch it??

fakeliampayne: um yeaaaa ??

fakeliampayne: I was gunna watch it cuz of rachel adams or whatever her name is but I lost interest when the girl couldntt find a desk to sit in

liamsinzayn: unbelievable

liamsinzayn: that is one of my favorite movies

liamsinzayn: and the disrespect you're showing it is making me so upset

fakeliampayne: sorryyyy babe

liamsinzayn: no apology not accepted

liamsinzayn: and you know what

liamsinzayn: the first thing we're doing when we get into our hotel room is watching mean girls

fakeliampayne: whattttt no whyyyy

fakeliampayne: dont put me thru that torture

liamsinzayn: that torture? really liam uGH

fakeliampayne: i already have plans for what were going t do as soon as we get t the room

liamsinzayn: you're not gonna fuck me

fakeliampayne: haha obviously I know u wouldn't want to do it when we just met

fakeliampayne: I was thinkingggg more like u sucking me off or somthinnnn :) x

liamsinzayn: wtf

liamsinzayn: why do I have to suck your dick first

liamsinzayn: why can't you suck my dick first

liamsinzayn: and then maybe I'll give you a handjob or something

fakeliampayne: ok yeah that's not fair wtf just a handie ??

liamsinzayn: yes don't be stingy

liamsinzayn: you get what you get and you don't throw a fit

fakeliampayne: ok mom 😒😒😒

liamsinzayn: why would you mention your mom when we're talking about blowies and handies what is wrong with you

fakeliampayne: I didn't even mean it like thatttt wtf

liamsinzayn: oh I got it

liamsinzayn: how about if you give me a superb blowjob I'll give you one right back and it'll blow your mind ;)

fakeliampayne: mine won't be superb tho

liamsinzayn: we don't know yet

fakeliampayne: no I know it wont cuz I've never given a blowjob before

fakeliampayne: dont laughhhh

liamsinzayn: iM NOT HOLYJDIENS

fakeliampayne: u are stop laughingggg 😩😩

liamsinzayn: okay I may have giggled but that's it I promise

liamsinzayn: okay so new deal then

liamsinzayn: if you watch the whole mean girls movie with me then I'll suck your dick after

fakeliampayne: seriousssss ??

liamsinzayn: yup

fakeliampayne: shit fuck ok ok deal

liamsinzayn: yay :) you'll love the movie I promise li

fakeliampayne: I won't

fakeliampayne: but I'll tough it out for a blowjob from u 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

liamsinzayn: sTOP STOP

fakeliampayne: what would I get if I watched the notebook w u ??

liamsinzayn: you haven't watch the notebook ??

fakeliampayne: again I was going to for rachel but it looked so egh I didn't even try watchingggg lol

liamsinzayn: wow

fakeliampayne: soooo what would I get if I watched that movie w u??

liamsinzayn: idk i'd let you fuck my mouth I guess

liamsinzayn: lol

fakeliampayne: k yup movie date after concert

fakeliampayne: I feel blessed rn

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