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fakeliampayne just posted a photo

fakeliampayne just posted a photo

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[NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: hey douche

fakeliampayne: rude

fakeliampayne: hi babe

liamsinzayn: lol you're cute

liamsinzayn: anyways

liamsinzayn: I think I'm in love

fakeliampayne: yeah? 😏

liamsinzayn: yeah the albums fcking lit af

fakeliampayne: 🙄🙄

fakeliampayne: thanks tho , it is pretty special

liamsinzayn: I mEAN

liamsinzayn: I think I got like turdy seven copies with niall's album cover lmao

liamsinzayn: tURDY SEVEN LIAM

fakeliampayne: why niallssssss 🙁

liamsinzayn: I got yours too

fakeliampayne: just one ? 😒

liamsinzayn: I'm not made out of money liam sheesh you already have a fancy asss house and car why do you need more of my money ?¿

liamsinzayn: I just bought the album on itunes

fakeliampayne: lol right cause ur 13$ bucks paid for my car

liamsinzayn: you're an assholee see if I buy anymore shit from y'all

fakeliampayne: joking im joking babe

liamsinzayn: mhm

fakeliampayne: hey u wanna know something ?

liamsinzayn: wHAT it better be important

fakeliampayne: my lips really miss yours

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