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niallhoran just posted a photo

niallhoran just posted a photo

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liamsinzayn liked your photo

liamsinzayn commented: why are both of you so damn hot

liamsinzayn commented: you two look like y'all have sex hair

liamsinzayn commented: you gotta let your boyfriend fuck me or something man it's only fair since you won't lol


[ NEW MESSAGE TO: liamsinzayn ]

niallhoran: zayners

niallhoran: zayn I know you see these messages

liamsinzayn: dammit I knew I shouldn't have liked and commented on your picture

liamsinzayn: but it was just so cute I couldn't resist

niallhoran: so you know what I wanna ask you then??

liamsinzayn: probably so don't even ask

niallhoran: I have to

niallhoran: so please tell me why you've been ignoring Liam for a whole week

liamsinzayn: :(

liamsinzayn: I've been busy

niallhoran: try again

liamsinzayn: stop

niallhoran: he's been moping around and checking insta like every five minutes

liamsinzayn: stop don't say things like that

niallhoran: no I have t guilt trip you ig

niallhoran: he told me you freaked on him last week & he doesn't know why

liamsinzayn: I'm freaking out right now alright

liamsinzayn: I don't mean to ignore him but I can't talk to him right now

niallhoran: why what's going on

liamsinzayn: I'm not gonna tell you wtf

niallhoran: why not

liamsinzayn: cause you'll tell him before I can

niallhoran: I promise I won't

liamsinzayn: I don't trust you

niallhoran: gee thanks

niallhoran: I promise though I won't tell him anything alright

liamsinzayn: if you tell him I get to kiss your boyfriend

niallhoran: wtf

niallhoran: yeah there's no way in hell I'll tell him shit

liamsinzayn: alright whatever

liamsinzayn: I'll just get straight to it

liamsinzayn: long story short: the conversation we had last week made me feel like I was just this crazed obsessed fan he was entertaining by replying to me

liamsinzayn: and not like someone who legit likes him and stuff idk

niallhoran: I don't think that's true

niallhoran: he likes you

liamsinzayn: idk I know I'm blowing this out of proportion and shit but like that conversation just made me realize how weird this whole situation is

niallhoran: you are blowing this out of proportion

niallhoran: who cares if you messaged him perverted shit and he replied he must like you if he replied and keeps replying

liamsinzayn: I legit think I wanna stop direct messaging with him and just like wait to meet him at the concert and go from there

liamsinzayn: where we could like exchange numbers

liamsinzayn: even though I think I'd still be perverted through text messages

liamsinzayn: holy shit I'll always message him shit like that wtf how does he like that ??

niallhoran: beats me

niallhoran: but don't stop dming him that'd make him sad

liamsinzayn: but all this does is get my hopes up about ever dating liam like I'm just someone who makes him laugh because of the shit I say

niallhoran: nah who knows what'll happen

niallhoran: just please dm him soon like today soon or something

liamsinzayn: yeah I know I will

niallhoran: oh and by the way, fuck no you can't have my boyfriend fuck you ;)


this'll probably only go up to 50%


the other 50% will be the second book, which'll be them post-meeting/texting and such. you'll guys will love it (I hope?)

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