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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: what a lovely picture you look amazing

fakeliampayne: zayn !!

fakeliampayne: u finally messaged me again !!!

fakeliampayne: are u still upset w me???

fakeliampayne: im sorryyyy for whatever I said to make u upset

liamsinzayn: nah it's my fault li I'm sorry for ignoring you for a week

fakeliampayne: why did u ??? 😕😔

liamsinzayn: I'm sorry I read to much into what you said

fakeliampayne: about ?

liamsinzayn: idk I just felt like this is legit just messing around you know

liamsinzayn: that nothing serious would come out of it

liamsinzayn: like you were just entertaining me with the thought that I was actually messaging you and like we had cool conversations and stuff

fakeliampayne: that's not true z I swear

liamsinzayn: do you still see me as like that crazy ass perverted fan or

fakeliampayne: no I don't

fakeliampayne: I don't mind all the crazyyy things u message me I like it they make me smile

fakeliampayne: I see u as someone I like who has like a wild imagination or somethinnn like tht

liamsinzayn: oh

liamsinzayn: shit I'm sorry for blowing shit out of proportion I just got scared

liamsinzayn: I guess cause I'm meeting you soon and that freaks me out

fakeliampayne: r we good now?? like I promise when we finally meet u'll know that I really like u and think of u as more then justttt a fan

liamsinzayn: yeah yeah we're good :)

fakeliampayne: good I missedd talking to u x

fakeliampayne: now when I stay up till 2 am I have u to talk two again 😏😏

liamsinzayn: haha same I missed talking to you also

liamsinzayn: and also I've been a proper mess cause of the drag me down video ?!?!?

liamsinzayn: can I talk to you about it like I've been holding all my emotions in cause I wasn't messaging you

fakeliampayne: haha go ahead babe

liamsinzayn: alright here we go

liamsinzayn: first off


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