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[NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: you think it'd be acceptable for me to get "haha" tattooed on me??

fakeliampayne: why haha?? bit weird innit

liamsinzayn: what

liamsinzayn: I CSNT BELIEVE YOU

liamsinzayn: how can you just forget something like that

fakeliampayne: I'm confused

liamsinzayn: "haha" is the first thing you ever said/messaged me

liamsinzayn: which is big because look at where we are now

liamsinzayn: like I'm talking to my fav about giving him a blowjob that's going to legit happen in like 42 days

fakeliampayne: u have a countdown how cute

liamsinzayn: stfu

liamsinzayn: of fucking course I have a countdown m8

liamsinzayn: I'll finally get to see my Irish baby in person like I don't think I'm ready

fakeliampayne: and

fakeliampayne: and more importantly u get t meet me along w other thingssss finally 😜😏

liamsinzayn: stop being dirty for like five minutes please

fakeliampayne: oh I'm sorry did I complain when u'd send me "fUCK ME UP LIAM PAYNE"

fakeliampayne: "help me study that dick of yours daddy"

liamsinzayn: lmao stop omg

liamsinzayn: it doesn't count lol

fakeliampayne: howwww does it not count

liamsinzayn: cause when I do it it's cute :)

fakeliampayne: who said it was cutee

liamsinzayn: stop you're going to make me cry

liamsinzayn: did you really not think it was cute?

fakeliampayne: I mean idk ive seen it all before

liamsinzayn: huh ok wow

liamsinzayn: so what made you reply back to me and not everyone else saying it

fakeliampayne: how do you know if I replied or notttt

fakeliampayne: zayn

fakeliampayne: I was joking stopppp come back

liamsinzayn: are you lying?

fakeliampayne: no I swear I never messaged anyone else besides like two people but I just replied thanks when they said I love you t me that's it

liamsinzayn: alright

liamsinzayn: so what made you reply to my messages in the first place?

fakeliampayne: idk I just read what you messaged that day and laughed that's why I put haha

fakeliampayne: then after that you'd always be at the top of my messagessss so I replied backkkk

liamsinzayn: oh

liamsinzayn: okay

fakeliampayne: are u ok??

liamsinzayn: yeah

fakeliampayne: did I say something wrong ??

liamsinzayn: nah I just realized something is all

fakeliampayne: which is ?

liamsinzayn: nah nothing

fakeliampayne: zayn ??

fakeliampayne: whats wronggg ?? 🙁

liamsinzayn: it's three am I need to go to bed

fakeliampayne: we alwaysss stay up this late tho

liamsinzayn: I'll message you tomorrow okay

fakeliampayne: wait zayn not yet

fakeliampayne: I don't understand what's going on ??

fakeliampayne: zayn :(


a little angst heh, wanted to make you guys suffer a bit till next time I update x

what do you think is wrong with Zayn or is there nothing wrong and he's just busy hm? 🤔

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