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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: awww it's a close up :)))

liamsinzayn: your face is so cute I just wanna squeeze it and never stop touching it

liamsinzayn: lmao that was weird

liamsinzayn: your nose is so cute holy moly

liamsinzayn: and your eyebrows omg omg

liamsinzayn: my favorite eyebrows out of all the eyebrows they're so bushy and cute and lovely

liamsinzayn: and yOUR LIPS


liamsinzayn: liam

liamsinzayn: liam liam lima liam lima ??

liamsinzayn: daddy lima

liamsinzayn: oKAY I GET IT

liamsinzayn: you're ignoring me cause of yesterday

liamsinzayn: I'm sorry I freaked out

liamsinzayn: because of fucking course I wanna meet you

liamsinzayn: I just never thought it would ever happen :(

liamsinzayn: and then you just spring it on me like that

liamsinzayn: i was nervous and scared

liamsinzayn: I mean who knows what I'd be like in person in front of you for the first time

liamsinzayn: don't be angry at me :(

liamsinzayn: reply back please !

liamsinzayn: I do wanna meet you i just don't think I'm ready yet

liamsinzayn: especially after all the things I tell you

liamsinzayn: I have to prepare myself

liamsinzayn: I don't want to accidentally call you daddy in person omg

liamsinzayn: or faint or something

liamsinzayn: it'd probably happen tbh

liamsinzayn: im not too confident in myself to meet you yet

liamsinzayn: please believe me

liamsinzayn: Liam?

liamsinzayn: :(


one more update after this tonight and that's it lmao ✌🏼️

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