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fakeliampayne just posted a photo

fakeliampayne just posted a photo

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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: teasing hoe

fakeliampayne: hello to u too babe

liamsinzayn: shut up don't talk to me I'm still ogling at your picture lol

fakeliampayne: I like taking bed selfies ;)

liamsinzayn: I see that

fakeliampayne: maybe we'll be able to take a bed selfie soon 😉

liamsinzayn: stop stop

fakeliampayne: haha whyyyy

liamsinzayn: you'll probably sleep on the couch I need the whole bed to myself tbh

fakeliampayne: wtf no way

fakeliampayne: I'll make sure the bed is extra big

liamsinzayn: nah you just need to cuddle me

liamsinzayn: you better be an ace cuddler liam

fakeliampayne: idk guess you'll be the judge of tht

liamsinzayn: yeah but first I need to tell you something

fakeliampayne: whatttt?

liamsinzayn: I'm the big spoon

fakeliampayne: hahaha

liamsinzayn: ????

fakeliampayne: ur funny babe

liamsinzayn: that wasn't a joke hoe I am the big spoon

fakeliampayne: how ?? u are a little spoon

fakeliampayne: ur like a baby spoon

liamsinzayn: stfu liam

liamsinzayn: just for that you're cuddling a pillow wtf

fakeliampayne: no I don't wannna 😕😕😕

liamsinzayn: too bad so sad

fakeliampayne: fineeee u can be big spoon

liamsinzayn: ew no wtf

liamsinzayn: does it look like I'm the big spoon??

fakeliampayne: then y did u say u were ??

liamsinzayn: I was joking chill

liamsinzayn: you're crazy if you think I'm going to miss the opportunity to have those sexy ass arms wrapped around me tf

fakeliampayne: haaha knew it 😏

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