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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: ok but these past two days were amazing

fakeliampayne: why r u messaging me

liamsinzayn: wth rude ??

fakeliampayne: whattt no

fakeliampayne: I meant u have my number nowwww u dont need to message me on here

liamsinzayn: eh

liamsinzayn: I like messaging you on here, it's like our thing you know?

fakeliampayne: k

liamsinzayn: k

fakeliampayne: k will be our always

liamsinzayn: wtf

liamsinzayn: yoU DID NOT WTH

fakeliampayne: haha 😏😏😏

liamsinzayn: how you gonna watch fault in our stars but not mean girls ??

fakeliampayne: cause mean girls isnt romanticcc

liamsinzayn: fault in our stars is not romantic it's depressing as fuck I cried for like three hours after watching it

fakeliampayne: same

liamsinzayn: awww my poor daddy cried how cute

fakeliampayne: im an emotional guy

liamsinzayn: you're cute

liamsinzayn: cutie

fakeliampayne: not cute, handsome

liamsinzayn: yeah yeah you're good looking we know

fakeliampayne: okay just makin sure

fakeliampayne: I miss u already wish we had more than 2 days with each otherrr

liamsinzayn: aw aW liam payne misses me :)

fakeliampayne: I never got to show u the bed selfie I took of us

liamsinzayn: you didn't wtf why

fakeliampayne: I did but it looked kinda weird so maybe that's y I didn't show u haha

liamsinzayn: lemme see lemme see



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