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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: oh my god you cute ass

liamsinzayn: you're so perfect

liamsinzayn: wish I was going to bed with you

liamsinzayn: no no no did you get a haircut ??

liamsinzayn: how dare you liam

liamsinzayn: don't you dare go to bed

liamsinzayn: you haven't talked to me :(

liamsinzayn: liam liam liam liam liam liam liam liam liam liam liam

liamsinzayn: liam you hoe

fakeliampayne: your fiestyyyy lol

liamsinzayn: oh thank god I thought you went to bed without talking to me >:/

fakeliampayne: nah just had to waittt to find u

fakeliampayne: sooo manyyy fans are messaging me rite noww ahaa

liamsinzayn: uh then mute them all exCEPT ME

fakeliampayne: oh shitttt how do I do that ??

liamsinzayn: ugh just go to your settings idk I'm not famous and getting thousands of messages so I don't need to mute my messages

fakeliampayne: k hold on a mo let me try

fakeliampayne: don't go anywhereeee

liamsinzayn: k but hurry up

*5 minutes later*

fakeliampayne: alrighhht I got it :)

fakeliampayne: I won't get any messages from anyoneee sides u and the ladsss x

fakeliampayne: zayyyyyyn ???

fakeliampayne: liamsinzayn ?? yooohooo ?

liamsinzayn: sorry sorry I was brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed lol

fakeliampayne: ooooh lemme see ;)

liamsinzayn: ew pervert no

fakeliampayne: wait whaaaat ??

fakeliampayne: have u seen the thingss u tell meeee ??

liamsinzayn: ugh whatever

liamsinzayn: you're not getting a nude liam james honestly

fakeliampayne: ? i didn't ask for a nude I just wanna selfie damnnn

liamsinzayn: ugh fine I guess hold on


liamsinzayn: I'm not angry lol I don't know why I made that face :( don't laugh

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liamsinzayn: I'm not angry lol I don't know why I made that face :( don't laugh

liamsinzayn: I suck at taking selfies :( lol

fakeliampayne: fuckkkk your shirtless and you look fucking amazinggg

liamsinzayn: thanks bae

fakeliampayne: wat wat does tht meann ?

liamsinzayn: really?

liamsinzayn: it means "before anyone else"

fakeliampayne: does it reallyyyy ?

liamsinzayn: yes it does

fakeliampayne: I don't believe

liamsinzayn: you're unbelievable

fakeliampayne: im nottt

liamsinzayn: you are but its alright daddy

liamsinzayn: shit it's late I have to head to bed liam sorry

liamsinzayn: I've got an important day tomorrow

fakeliampayne: alrighttt what do you have to do??

liamsinzayn: wouldn't you like to know ?? ;)

liamsinzayn: no I can't tell you I'm sorry :( don't want to jinx it or something haha

fakeliampayne: alright I guesssss :(

liamsinzayn: it's nothing big just an interview for uni lol

fakeliampayne: ohhhh good luck then :) xx

liamsinzayn: thanks daddy

liamsinzayn: I'll be in your dm's tomorrow

liamsinzayn: only if you post a sexy pic for me :)

fakeliampayne: i will babe :) x ahaa

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