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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: aw my two cuties

liamsinzayn: I'll be seeing y'all in a month holy shit

liamsinzayn: am I ready? Nahh

fakeliampayne: u nervous to meet us ?? haha

liamsinzayn: of course I am liam what kind of question is that

liamsinzayn: imagine meeting your favorite singers and trying to act calm and collected

liamsinzayn: there's no way

fakeliampayne: i didn't freak when i met justin timberlake

liamsinzayn: shut up liam

liamsinzayn: I'll probably stutter oh no

fakeliampayne: haha that'll be cute seeing u all flustered and what not

liamsinzayn: stop

liamsinzayn: in all seriousness I am very nervous liam

fakeliampayne: it'll be fine nothinggg t worry about babe

liamsinzayn: a lot to worry about wtf

liamsinzayn: what if I trip while walking towards y'all

liamsinzayn: embarrassing oh my god

fakeliampayne: I'd catch u before u fall

liamsinzayn: are you like this in person?

liamsinzayn: there's no way you're like this in person is there?

fakeliampayne: excuse u i actually am this charminggg in person

fakeliampayne: maybe even moreee

liamsinzayn: how am I suppose to stay alive if you're like this in person??

liamsinzayn: like i don't even have asthma but I think it'd be best for me to take an inhaler just in case

fakeliampayne: cuz I take ur breath away huh?😏

liamsinzayn: stop stop

liamsinzayn: oh mY GOD OH MY GOD

fakeliampayne: what's wrongggg ???

liamsinzayn: maJOR PROBLEM LIAM OH NO

fakeliampayne: what is it zayn ur making me nervousssss ??

liamsinzayn: what am I suppose to wear to the concert????

liamsinzayn: I have no iDEA WHAT IM GOING TO WEAR

fakeliampayne: u scared the crap outta me z

fakeliampayne: I thought this was somethinnn serious

liamsinzayn: this is serious wtf wtf

fakeliampayne: the concerts in a month chill lol

liamsinzayn: I know oh my god what do I wear I need to be looking hot as fuck

fakeliampayne: I'm sure u would look hot wearinnng anything babe

liamsinzayn: that's a lie

fakeliampayne: nah bet if u wear wat ur wearing right now u would look amazing

liamsinzayn: oh my god no I wouldn't

liamsinzayn: I didn't even dress up today wtf

fakeliampayne: really?? lemme see I'll be the judge

liamsinzayn: is this a sly way of getting a selfie of me??

fakeliampayne: yes

liamsinzayn: fine I guess you deserve one after me ignoring you hold on

fakeliampayne: 😏😏😏😏 yay !!

liamsinzayn: alright here


liamsinzayn: lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

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liamsinzayn: lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

fakeliampayne: not cool 🙄😕😕

liamsinzayn: haha I was just kidding hold on


fakeliampayne: fuck u look so beautiful zayn

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fakeliampayne: fuck u look so beautiful zayn

fakeliampayne: u should wear that to the concert

fakeliampayne: dammit I can't wait to meet u in person

liamsinzayn: stop

liamsinzayn: my poor heart can't take it anymore


y'all ready for ziam to meet or nah? 😏

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