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fakeliampayne just posted a photo

fakeliampayne just posted a photo

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[ NEW MESSAGE TO: fakeliampayne ]

liamsinzayn: fuck me

liamsinzayn: you look so fucking hot

fakeliampayne: I know 😏

liamsinzayn: ugh

liamsinzayn: your fans are flipping the fuck out cause of that cigarette lmao

fakeliampayne: I know 🙄🙄🙄 hate it

liamsinzayn: though you do look hot

liamsinzayn: I don't want you to ruin your holy vocals daddy

fakeliampayne: u always just spring that word out of nowhere lol

liamsinzayn: what word

fakeliampayne: daddy

liamsinzayn: yes?

fakeliampayne: whaaaat no I am not calling you daddy tf

liamsinzayn: rood m8

fakeliampayne: don't call me mateeee

liamsinzayn: k pal

fakeliampayne: zaynnnnn 🙄

liamsinzayn: sorry buddy

fakeliampayne: stopppp I have a questionnn

liamsinzayn: yes daddy?

fakeliampayne: 😏😏😍

fakeliampayne: u busy ??

liamsinzayn: nah just in my room why

fakeliampayne: hmm I wanna see u

fakeliampayne: facetime ??

liamsinzayn: holy shit FR

liamsinzayn: hell yeAh I'm gonna screenshot the shit out of you

fakeliampayne: haha alright I'll call u now ;)

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