~Chapter Four~

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"Dear tummy, sorry
about the butterflies.
It's not my fault.
I swear it's his."

- Unknown.

Finding an unoccupied bathroom in Gregg's house proved a little more difficult than originally anticipated; the phrase, 'needle in a haystack' describing my efforts brilliantly. After much searching and unintentionally walking in on things I'd rather I didn't, I find myself in Gregg's upstairs bathroom, down to just my bra, cursing the world for all that it is.

When colourful swearwords no longer seem to be enough, I direct my pent up anger in vigorously scrubbing my shirt, while mentally preparing my 'let's leave' speech to Anna, who will no doubt protest in my doing so.

Coming here was a complete disaster and as I slowly recall the events that led to my forced attendance, angry thoughts unwillingly begin to flood my mind. I was stupid to even consider this being a good idea and I'm frustrated at myself for being manipulated into thinking it could be. So far, the only thing tonight has had to offer, is the pleasure of meeting a totally wasted guy whose mission was to get in my pants and another who, although no fault to his own, spilled beer on me.


-Note the sarcasm.

Suddenly snapping me from my thoughts, there's a loud knock at the door, followed by a very strained,

"Dude, are you almost done in there? I'm seriously about to piss my pants."

Respecting this strangers needs, although wishing slightly that he hadn't expressed so in such detail, I decide to put on my 'big girl pants' and face the music. Begrudgingly pulling on my beer stained shirt, I open the door, allowing in the close to 'pissing his pants' guy and begin my journey to slowly descend the stairs, in the hopes of locating Anna.

The loud music, once again, fills my ears, making my insides shake as the deep base runs along the floor, into my feet and through my body. Normally, I would relish in the feeling, however, now it just makes me feel uneasy.

"I've been thinking and I've decided to forgive you." comes a voice I recognise all too well, infuriating me slightly.

Dick face; I'm really not in the mood for this.

Ignoring him, I carry on heading towards the stairs and stop in my tracks as a gentle arm wraps around my waist.

"Hey, you ignoring me, darling?" he asks, the mere mention of 'darling' causing a thousand tiny butterflies to be released inside my stomach.

Really hormones? We're doing this right now?

Exhaling on a sharp breath, I turn around and offer him my undivided attention, whilst showing him my best 'I'm seriously unimpressed right now' look. With the unspoken message apparently well and truly received, he begins to laugh and I find myself unintentionally drawn to the beautiful sound; hating its effects on me.

"Do you often make a habit of annoying people at parties?" I ask, offering no amusement to my voice.

The corners of his mouth twitch, slightly, suggesting a smile of some sort is about to make an appearance and with no real warning, his grip on my waist tightens as he pulls me flush against his body.

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