~Chapter thirty four~

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Sometimes, you will
never know the true
value of a moment
until it becomes
a memory.


Whilst tactfully and elegantly positioning my feet into each silver, four inch heel, I slowly smooth down the silk element of my dress, enjoying its cool material against my slightly shaking fingertips. My slender legs nicely accompany the full length skirt which clings to my hips and accentuates my every curve; coming to a dramatic conclusion just above my toes. Its length is perfect for my five foot, four inches and makes me feel much like royalty, amazingly so.


Hannah appears from behind my reflection, holding hairspray in one hand and a pair of pearl earrings in the other, helpful as ever. She's been a godsend in prepping Anna and I for this evenings dance and has handled all disaster-related incidents with impeccable ease. First, we ran out of curvy grips, which when doing two up-do styles can prove rather difficult, then Anna went and accidentally got foundation on her dress, rendering the entire outfit ruined. Luckily, Hannah had managed to get it out by using her inner domestic goddess and extent knowledge in the removal of stains.

Needless to say, she saved the day!

"You look beautiful, honey." she comments, passing over the finishing touches to my outfit.

I smile at her as I drape the teardrop pendants in my ears, looking truly elegant as I comb through the odd strand of free-falling hair that has rebelled against my wishes to remain within my lowly positioned bun. Each curl sits perfectly on either shoulder, twisting into loose ringlets; offering the style overall depth. My make-up mostly consists of browns and golds, highlighting my best asset by bringing out the green in my otherwise, boring eyes. Everything else is pretty much basic after that, although I do have a little more rouge on my lips than normal, having been persuaded to do so by Anna. Generally speaking, I look much older than my seventeen years and strangely enough, exactly like my Mother.

"I do, don't I?" I smile, breathing in to mask my nerves which have now appeared in the form of uncontrollable knots twisting in my stomach.

Had I not been so sure something would happen between Aidan and I tonight, I would've breezed my way through this event without the company of nervous butterflies. And while no such thing has been mentioned on the matter, there appears to be an unspoken agreement passing between us that undoubtedly says we're both ready. 

Ready to take things a step further.

"Aidan's here,  A," declares Anna,  entering my room wearing nothing but her pink dressing gown and fluffy slippers. "And he's totally bricking it. He's downstairs now having a team talk with Dad." she adds, laughing at the expense of my poor date.

"Don't be horrible. This is obviously important to him," insists Hannah, slyly letting slip more than she possibly should. "Jane mentioned he was really nervous about taking you, Amelia." she adds, bumping my hip with her own.

"Oh god, now I'm nervous!" I laugh, truly embarrassed for having said so.

"Don't be, I guarantee he's feeling more scared than you are right now," she soothes, gently smoothing out my dress' crease.

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