~Chapter ten~

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You keep it on the inside
'cause that's the
safest place to hide.


"I must say, Amelia, I'm very impressed with your level of commitment." states Mr. Jackson, my history teacher and quite possibly the only decent one this school has to offer. "Your mini essay on the French Revolution was impeccable and a joy to read. My only advise would be to stay away from only using a limited number of sources. Try branching out to online articles and even YouTube documentaries for your references. It's not all about using books these days." he smiles, removing the thickly framed glasses from his youthful eyes.

He can't be much older than twenty five and with hair as golden as the sand on Malibu beach, I can put money on the fact he must have women falling at his feet.

"Thanks, I'm pleased you like it. History is my favourite subject so you're lucky. None of my other teachers get this much enthusiasm from me." I laugh, mentally cringing as my mind momentarily wanders to Mrs Donnel and her rather questionable methods of teaching.

Mr Jackson warmly matches my smile and pushes himself away from his desk to scrub away the writing on the whiteboard. I take this as my cue to leave and turn to exit, stopping only when his friendly tone halts me.

"Amelia, I don't want to step on any toes here but having read your transfer file, I just wanted to let you know that should you need it, I'm always here if you want to talk. I love my job and I care about my students. That includes you, too."

His smile, once again, reaches its very limit and I can't help but return one of my own. Aside from Jess, he may well be the nicest person I've met since coming here and I appreciate his efforts at reaching out to me.

"Thanks, Sir. I'll remember that," I reply, nodding my head in agreement as I turn to leave.

I step out into the almost deserted hallway; the emptiness of the corridors hinting towards the ever approaching weekend Friday afternoon has to offer and with no one watching, I smile to myself at the very thought of spending my entire two days off doing absolutely nothing. At the moment, it's difficult toss up between binge watching The Vampire Diaries or Supernatural and with Stephan and Damon slowly winning that battle, images of the sexy brothers filter through my mind, making my current smile only grow.

"Amelia!" shouts Jess, just as she comes barrelling towards me. "It's finally the weekend!" she then states, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in for one almighty hug.

I return her kind gesture and notice Aidan and Drew walking towards us, the smile on both their faces suggesting they are just as thrilled about the weekend as Jess is.

"It is!" I match her enthusiasm, whilst simultaneously pulling away from her tight hold. "What have you got planned?" I ask, making general chit chat as a way of distracting my mind from the ever approaching God-like creature that is Aidan Richards.

"What have we got planned, you mean." corrects Jess, confusing me slightly. "Simon Clarke is having a party tonight. You should come with us." she suggests, before further elaborating and all but inviting me back to her place to get ready.

I momentarily think over my options; slightly disappointed that I would be making a dent in my boxset this evening but figure I'm really in no position to turn down friends at this moment in time. Besides, it really is rather pathetic that the prospect of spending the entire weekend lounging around in my pyjamas, with nothing but the Salvitore brothers to keep me company excites me more than hanging out with real people.

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