~Chapter twenty five~

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No, we're not dating
but he's still


Later on that afternoon, I find myself subject to a pity party; consisting of a lazy nap, childish pig pyjamas and fluffy cow slippers. It would appear, in the attempts to listen my mood, I'm channelling my inner farm girl and although I resemble that of a two-year-old, quite frankly I couldn't care less.
After returning home from the mall just after lunch, I couldn't resist the beckoning of my bed and while I know napping is the worst thing to do to cue a tired mind, I honestly couldn't help myself. I simply crawled in between my sheets, stuck my head in a pillow and haven't looked back since.

I'm in nap heaven.


Stuck halfway between the state of dreamland and consciousness, I'm shocked to hear the sliding of my balcony door; it's squeaky pull stunning me into waking up.

"What the-"

"It's just me, Jesus woman, put down your weapon!" states a deep voice I recognise to be Aidan's.

The idiot has only gone and entered my bedroom again, via balcony, even after strict instructions from Anna not to and although utterly delicious in his beach inspired shorts and light blue polo shirt, I couldn't be any more inconvenienced.

Doesn't he know better than to wake a sleeping woman?

"Weapon?" I question, scrunching up my nose in slight confusion before I notice the rather pathetic bottle of hairspray I have clutched in my right hand, ready and waiting to inflict some serious damage.

It would appear in my moment of haste, I grabbed onto the first thing I could and L'Oréal's 'long lasting hold hairspray' just so happened to be what I ended up with. Needless to say, I have high hopes for my choice in defence and can only hope that if I were to ever encounter a real intruder, my attacker is either asthmatic, or prone to coughing fits.

"Oh, Sorry." I yawn, putting down the can and rubbing at my overly exhausted eyes. "Is there a reason you're breaking into my house?" I then ask, gingerly watching as he rakes his eyes over my cotton covered body, seeming somewhat amused by my attire.

"Cute PJ's, very flattering." he mocks, strolling over to my bed and taking it upon himself to have a seat.

The mattress dips under his impressive weight and while my mind should be focusing elsewhere, I can't take my eyes off of each individual muscle as they flex and bulge, all awhile he closes in on me.

"And yes, there's a reason I'm breaking in." he adds, positioning himself next to me. "My Mom told me she saw you today. Mentioned how upset you were." he continues, getting closer but not too close.

I quickly allow my eyes to flutter closed, preparing my explanation as I do so. Lying to Aidan is not an option and fobbing him off with an excuse, as tempting as it may be, is down right insulting and I simply won't do it.

"Yeah, I had what you might call an epiphany last night. I'm not dealing with things properly. My Mom, your Mom. It's all too much and I-."

My sentence remains incomplete as I momentarily break down, burying my face in my hands as a way of hiding my shame. Of course, this fails to work as warm, protective hands pull at my wrist on an added murmur of "shh, don't cry darling." followed by gentle touches of affection.

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