~Chapter twenty nine~

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When I first met you,
I had no idea how
important you would
be to me.


Having arrived at school earlier than usual to discover the primary colours hanging everywhere, I conclude I am, without a doubt, the most underdressed person here. Jess had text last night with the very firm instruction to 'WEAR GREEN!" and while I did exactly that, I may have been slightly subtle in my doing so. A jade-green tank top paired with black skinny jeans hardly screams 'football spirit'; marking me, by far, the student with the least enthusiasm for today's event. Not that I'm not excited for it. I just happen to choose to express said excitement in my own, toned down, way.

"Gooooooood morning, students of West Rose High and happy game day to you all! Be sure to stop by our shop located in the AV department to pick up your football spirit in time for this evening's game and to support the players out there on the field today. We have face painting facilities taking place in the cafeteria during lunch and of course, meatballs will be on the menu!"

The voice spilling out from the intercom system sounds far too enthusiastic for a Monday morning but it would appear football is somewhat of a big deal around here, so while his chirpy tone and rehearsed speech stands out to me, it's simply a thing of normality to everyone else.

"This afternoons prep rally will commence at two fifteen and is bound to be the best one yet. Let's start this football season with a bang and of course, gooooooo crocodiles!"

Had there not been giant crocodile inflatables positioned in every which way, I would've been slightly confused regarding that last part, which was indeed a reference to the schools mascot; Curly the Californian Crocodile.

You really can't make this shit up!


A mass blur of green forms parallel to my vision as Jess and Chloe come hurdling towards me, decked out to the nines in their 'Go Crocs!' gear.

"Oh my god!" I laugh, using the back of my hand to cover my amused smirk and undergoing a fake cough as to disguise my reaction. "You guys look fantastic."

While gold glitter and warrior face paint is slightly over the top for my liking, I do admire their efforts and obvious support.

"Thanks. Not everyone is into it like us,"

Thank god!

"But we brought you a little something so you didn't feel left out."

At this, Jess hands me a green bow attached to a hair tie and gestures for me to wear it with pride, which is exactly what I do. The tiny piece sparkles under the school's bright lighting and is the perfect size to fit in my hair.

"Thanks, I love it." I smile, grateful to be included in today's celebration.

I don't have time to carry on my appreciation for five cheer leaders, Jenna included, come sauntering out of the girls changing rooms; tiny tops and frilly skirts in full swing.

"Go Croc's!" they chant, emulating the true essence of cheer spirit on this day of importance.

They look great, leaving a trail of glitter in their wake as they roam the corridors of West Rose but one girl in particular looks less enthusiastic than the others. Jenna. Looking as though she's swallowed something vile, she latches her beady gaze onto mine; something I recognise to be an intimidation tactic. I don't back down, though and instead, outstare her until she becomes momentarily distracted by someone or rather something happening behind me.

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