~Chapter fifteen~

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There is no
better friend than
a sister.
And there is no
better sister than


After patching things up with Anna and dedicating my entire Sunday morning to watching trash TV, I find myself in a much relaxed state, though still feel rather confused as to how I'm supposed to address a certain situation. I've known Aidan all of seven days, yet the impact he's had on my life already is really rather chilling. It's not that I depend on him per say but I certainly crave him if my constant thinking about us is anything to go by and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Perhaps it's a simply a case of needing to focus my mind on other, pressing, matters and with Emily absentmindedly milling around the house today in her purple pyjamas and fluffy slippers, I decide there's no time like the present in getting to know my half sister. Four years she's been on this earth and until last week, I've never once met her.

"I might ask Emily if she wants her nails painted." I state, turning my attention to Anna's current activity, which consists of a rather questionable coloured face mask plastered on her nose and cheeks. "We should make an effort with her." I then add, hoping to get Anna onboard in terms of being a suitable role model to our little sister.

"Sure, that'll be nice." she replies, although I doubt she even heard me through her coma induced state.

"If you get any of that on my bed, I'll kill you!" I warn, ever dramatic in my threat.

With her legs leisurely hanging over the edge of my bed and her cheek dangerously close to my crisp, white pillow, I fear she'll get the green substance all over my clean sheets and knowing Anna as well as I do, she'll make no attempt to clean up after herself.

"Relax babe, I'm nowhere near your bed." she insists, and does so rather gently. "Where is Em? Go find her and I'll put a face mask on her too." she continues, to which I scoff whilst she merely hums along to my phones playlist.

"Right, because if I trust you not to get that shit on my bed, I have no problem inviting a four year old to do the exact same thing." I fire back, sarcastic in my tone, although much to my contradiction, go about my search for said four year old.

It doesn't take me long and before I know it, I find Emily happily drawing in her bedroom, the mass collection of crayons spread evenly around her bringing all kinds of youthful memories flooding back. I remember a time when deciding which picture to paint was the height of all my problems and honestly speaking, I'd give anything to go back to that.

"Hey sweetie, what you drawing?" I ask, attempting to make general chit chat with the girl who, although my sister, I know nothing about. 

Back when Emily was first born, Jack had emailed over some pictures of her and I distinctly remember faking disinterest out of respect for my Mom. It was no surprise she adored Jack, so for him to have had a kid with another woman couldn't have been easy for her. At this point, it had already been roughly one year since our last meet and I think to some extent we all knew our relationship was unsalvageable after that.
It's not like I'm unwilling to try and I've more often than not entertained the idea of building a somewhat normal bond with him now but truth be told, I don't think it's possible. Too much has happened in so little time.

"This is me and April. She's in my class at school and is my best friend." replies Emily, proud as punch in her explanation.

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