~Chapter eleven~

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There's something about
you that keeps me
wanting more.

After what feels dancing for hours, I inform Jess that I am going outside for some much needed fresh air as well as a long overdue rest, which thankfully she doesn't protest against me doing,

"Enjoy the air, honey. I'll be in the kitchen with the guys." she shouts, attempting to be heard over the loud music as I make my way towards the back door.

I offer her a small smile over my shoulder before pushing myself through the crowds of many people all chatting and drinking; freezing instantly when one guy attempts to grab my ass. I ignore the small action, figuring I'm in no way ready to have an argument over such pettiness and focus on getting to my destination instead.

Air, that's what I'm in desperate need of right now.

I eventually step out onto the decking leading to the back yard, which just so happens to be the size of two football fields pushed together and welcome the cool air as it whips at my face. Brightly lit fairy lights decorate the areas entire length and I notice a rather impressive contraption resembling a water fountain sitting in the middle of the grass; the extravagant sculpture certainly giving off a very regal aura.

To my left is a group of girls laughing and joking with one another, each and every one of them dressed in outfits that are jazzy enough to pass for an A list party and while one of them makes longing eyes towards something  positioned behind me, I twist my head around to get a better look at whatever has grabbed her attention. To my utmost surprise, I find Aidan leaning on the wooden fence that circles the parameter of the garden, looking out towards the darkness with a saddened expression claiming his otherwise beautiful features. I sneakily take advantage of the moment, studying his face intently to make sure every one of his frown lines are etched into my memory as this may very well be the only time I witness the truth behind what Aidan is feeling.

His serious expression and deep scowl all create a mass of sadness and with his rich, chocolate-like hair hanging freely over his forehead, I physically find myself having to fight back the urge to take him in my arms and comfort him with all I have. Of course, I do neither of those things and instead, decide to leave the poor guy to wallow in his own silence, making sure to go unnoticed as I attempt to re enter the house.

However, that doesn't happen, as much to my annoyance, a tall guy with slicked back blonde hair exits through the back door, allowing it to slam behind him which, in turn, causes a loud ripple of sounds to echo through the air. This instantly grabs Aidan's attention and as his gaze turns towards the commotion, his emotion-filled eyes lock onto mine, taking my very breath away.


He remains staring at me for a few earth shattering seconds before he slowly returns his line of sight back to where it was originally and puffs out an audible sigh, telling me more than I need to know. Figuring I have nothing to say, I settle on the idea of simply walking away but get stopped before I can put my plan into motion.

"You owe me two beer's now," he gently states, his voice cutting through the night air like a sharp knife,"you spilled my first one and tonight you resorted to straight up theft." he adds, clearly cracking a joke, although his monotone voice would suggest otherwise.

His words lacks any amusement but I assume he is participating in some friendly banter, or at least I hope so as
I quickly asses the situation and take his statement as an invitation to start up a conversation.

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