~Chapter nine~

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Just because I don't talk to
you doesn't mean I don't
miss you.


The next couple of days pass by in a big blur and mostly consist of Jess and I hanging out more; getting to know one another better which we just so happen to do by engaging in the occasional healthy debate of who is better; Sam or Dean.

That's right; we're Supernatural fans.

Obviously both characters are integral to the story's plot but I'd much rather have Dean in my bed at night while Jess, it would appear, disagrees.

That, amongst other things, comes up in discussion and as it turns out, her and Drew have been dating since they were fourteen and are very much still in love, having known each other since they were kids. They apparently met in preschool after being sat next to each other in class and the rest, as Jess puts it, "Is history." The pair and Aidan have hung out for years, joined a few years later by Dylan and Chloe, another couple who I've yet to meet. Chloe is apparently mid way through an annual trip to France and Dylan has spent most afternoons in detention this week after a practical joke on his biology teacher turned sour.

Needless to say, he's the joker of the group.

My home life appears to be still somewhat awkward with Jack very obviously walking on egg shells whenever I'm around and as much as I want to like Hannah, her constant kindness is giving me a headache.
Thankfully, Anna seems to be enjoying herself a bit more, having found friendship in the form of a group of girls who all look like Victoria Secret models and I'm even attempting to build a somewhat plausible relationship with Emily; her four-year-old mind seemingly excited by the prospect of gaining two new sisters.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asks a familiar voice, startling me from happily positioning my books in my locker.

I haven't spoken to Aidan since the painfully awkward moment in the cafeteria but it would seem my luck has run out as the man in question stands before me, gorgeous as ever in his tight fitted jeans and black leather jacket.

"Now I'm thinking I wish you would go away." I smile, enjoying the smug smirk on his lips, perhaps a little too fondly if my ever increasing heartrate is anything to go by.

"Still my number one fan, I see. I really don't know what I did to deserve such kindness from your heart, Amelia." he mocks, although does so in lightheartedness. "You look beautiful today, I like your hair like that." he adds, pointing a finger towards my braid that cascades down the middle of my back, stopping just past my shoulder blades.

My eyes begin to roll on their own accord but there's no denying the sudden temperature change in my body as his complimentary words register in my mind.

"Thanks, I did it this morning with you in mind." I joke, the serious look that follows proving utterly priceless.

"Really?" he questions, completely dumbfounded by the idea.

"No." I laugh, shocked he'd even fall for that. "Surprisingly I don't give a shit what you think of my appearance." I add, shutting my locker and swinging my overly heavy backpack over my shoulder.

Aidan merely responds with an impressed smile and my God are those cheek dimples I see? I'm officially screwed.

"I can never tell with you, darling. Your mouth says one thing but your body tells me something completely different. You insist on your hatred towards me, yet whenever I compliment you, your cheeks blush and your palms clam up." he states, brushing his hands over my, sure enough, sweaty ones.

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