~Chapter twenty one~

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When you kiss
and it feels like...


Despite it being half way through the school week, I very much have that Monday feeling and cannot wish for the weekend to come fast enough. My sleep pattern is somewhat dysfunctional and the nightmares, no matter what I do, will not stop veering their ugly head. It's doesn't help that Mr Peters is banging on non-stop about the meaning of life in our Religious Studies lesson; the sudden urge to scream 'life is a meaningless pile of shit anyway' proving far too tempting. Though thankfully, I just about manage to suppress in my doing so as I'm pretty certain getting kicked out of class is the last thing I need right now.

"I want five hundred words on your opinion by next lesson." he instructs, wiping away his words on the white bored as the bell for the end of the day chimes.

I hastily pack away my belongings and throw them in my bag, making quick leeway in getting to my locker, more than a little ready to be leaving this place behind for yet another evening. Having not had a decent nights sleep in over four days, it's understandable how exhausted I am and be as it may, my bed is beckoning me.

"Hey babe, I'm going to Megan's tonight. You ok to drive home?" asks Anna, popping out from nowhere.

She's noticed my somber attitude lately and her concern is only succeeding in further annoying me. I know she means well but her continuous need to ask how I'm doing is beginning to grate on my gears.

"Yeah, of course. Have fun." I chirp, drastically attempting to appear indifferent.

She doesn't seem convinced but blows me a dramatic kiss and hollers a quick, "text me if you need anything." before sauntering away towards Megan and the rest of her posse.

It's great that she's managed to adapt so well in such a short amount of time. Being considered somewhat popular at our old school, I was slightly worried she would lose her social ability when switching states. Thankfully, the opposite seems to have happened and the fact that I'm being constantly referred to as 'Anna's twin sister' is as much proof as any that she's still climbing the social ladder. Not that I'm complaining, it certainly beats being called 'Aidan's new girl' which I overheard someone calling me yesterday.

Ironic really, considering I'm anything but.

Even more so since I haven't seen or spoken to him since our chat on Monday night. Thanks to football practice taking up majority of evenings and all lunch times, myself, Jess and Chloe have had the luxury of 'no boys' all week and whilst I enjoy the girls' company a lot, I can't help but miss him just a little. Not that I'm ready to admit that aloud. God forbid if Jess and Chloe were to ever discover just how close we've gotten in the past.

I wouldn't hear the end of it, I'm sure.

I'm pulled from my internal monologue when the subtle vibration of my phones alert rubs against my thigh; it's ever persistent attitude annoying me.

<Hey Amelia, sorry to ask but can you pop around to Aidan's after school? Em has a play date with April and needs picking up. I'm stuck at work as per usual!>

I puff out a reluctant sigh and only half pretend to be outraged by Hannah's request. Any excuse to see Aidan is like music to my ears right now and with that in mind, I hop, skip and jump towards my car, more than a little ready to play out my sisterly duties.

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