~Chapter twelve~

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Can I borrow a kiss?
I promise to give
it back.

With a little help from Google Maps and lots of patience on my behalf, I make it back to my neighbourhood in a record breaking twenty minutes as well as having a much clearer head on my shoulders, thanks to the relaxation playlist on my phone.

I don't care what people say; whale music does wanders for the mental state of ones mind.

I cautiously round the corner of my street and stop in my tracks as I come face to face with Aidan's car parked up outside my house, the man in question leaning on the bonnet. I suck in a sharp breath and continue my walk, shivering in fear as I near him, said fear only intensifying when his furious eyes meet mine.

"Don't ever do that to me again, Amelia. Don't fucking put me in that position." he warns, sounding awfully angry in his telling off.

He pushes himself away from his car to greet me in the middle of the road and for one earth shattering second, I'm led to believe he's making reference to the fact that Anna and I had an argument in front of him and that he didn't much care for us doing so.

"I never should have let you walk home alone, not when you were in that frame of mind." he continues, confusing me more than anything as he frantically searches my entire face for signs of injury.

"Why do you even care?" I ask, sounding far more defensive than intended.

He looks somewhat taken back by my question but recovers quickly, nevertheless.

"I don't know, Amelia. I don't fucking know why but I do. I care if you deliberately put yourself in danger to escape the reality of the situation." he expresses, seemingly surprising himself  with his urgent tone. "I care that you're hurting." he concludes, lowering his tone to a minute whisper and reaching out to hold my hand.

I stay rooted in position, not daring to move a single muscle as his intense, hazel eyes reach into the very depths of my soul, all awhile his thumbs brush over my knuckles.

"I'm sorry." I breathe, unsure what else I can say in this situation.

The fact that he is expressing such panic over me walking home alone in the dark has me questioning our entire relationship. Before tonight, we grated on each other and took pride in dishing out low key insults, yet now, there appears to be a shift taking place.

"Don't be sorry, just get in darling." he states, gesturing towards his car whilst turning his back on me to enter himself.

"Why? Where are we going? I'd rather not go back to the party." I protest, feeling far from the partying mood.

"I'm not taking you to the party." he ensures, holding the passenger side door open for me. "I'm taking you some place that'll help." he adds, his face taking on a sudden serious expression.

My curiosity spikes and before I can pass judgment on my decisions, I find myself climbing into his car, actually excited by the thought of spending some more alone time with this infuriating man who I apparently can't stand.

I still hate Aidan, right?


We travel in comfortable silence for most of the journey until Aidan announces we're here, wherever that may be. The car is brought to a smooth stop but he neither moves, nor attempts to kill the engine, merely staying still in his seated position. The only sound to exist is the gentle hum of Muse playing in the background and our heavy breathing mixing together as one.

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