~Chapter fourteen~

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The most painful
goodbyes are the
ones that are never
said and never

Having assured Jess I was fine for what felt like the millionth time, I eventually find myself back at home, determined to spend the rest of my weekend the way I'd originally planned to. With the Salvator brothers.

Seeing Aidan with Jenna has definitely effected me far greater than I would've liked and not just because I'm slightly jealous. Sure, the green-eyed monster has veered its ugly head in the form of jaw clenching envy and I'd be lying if I said the thought of them two sleeping together doesn't bother me, but my feelings run much deeper than that.
Had he been cozying up with any other girl I may not have reacted so badly but it just had to be her, the same girl who not even twelve hours previous had been slapping Anna across the face.

Jess, bless her cotton socks, tried to make me feel better by repeating how much she despised of Jenna and even went as far as to claim it was all part of her evil plan to twist things into a negative light. Unfortunately, it didn't ease my apprehensions as either way, Aidan still kissed her after spending the night kissing me, which in my mind makes him a massive Dick!

Ah well, nothing a bit of binge watching TV shows all day can't fix.

And with that thought in mind, I quickly rid any unwanted emotions and decide to seek out Anna, figuring it's best to to clear the air with her before I attempt to do much else today. She may have said some pretty hurtful things last night but she essentially took a slap to the face defending my honour and that deserves a huge 'thank you' in my eyes. I just hope she accepts my gratitude.

I carefully unlock the front door with a determined force and gracefully throw myself inside, both wanting and needing to hide myself away from the outside world for the rest of the day. As a result, I'm instantly hit with the strong odours of cinnamon and screw my nose up at the, still, unfamiliar smell.

I miss coming home to the heavenly scents of my Mother's favourite perfume mixed with her failed attempts at cooking our dinner. She never was a dab hand in the kitchen and her stubborn insistence that she was the next Nigella Lawson saw me and Anna eating plenty of tasteless meals.
That being said, she had many other deeming qualities and with her natural beauty and outgoing personality being her main attribute, it's no surprise she had an impressive social life. Men would constantly throw themselves at her and to this day I'm still impressed by how she'd turn each and every one down without so much as offering them the satisfaction. It seems her unwillingness to fall in love with another man who wasn't my Dad was essentially what killed her in the end.

If only I'd known.

I'm suddenly snapped from my thoughts when my attention is brought to the sniffling sounds of muted cries coming from the kitchen and thinking it's Anna feeling rather sorry for herself after last nights very aggressive show and tell, I make my way towards the large door and push myself inside, keen to set things straight between us.
I go to open my mouth, half expecting the rehearsed words to spill out in an effortless apology but what I find when I stare back at a clearly guilt ridden Jack is that I cannot, for the life of me, speak.

I'm in shock.

His eyes a bloodshot red and the dark shadows that loom underneath them offer up a sense of tragicness that I've never before witnessed in my seventeen years of living. His hands reach up to caress his face and a deep sigh leaves his lips, blowing hair away from his sweaty forehead. 

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