~Chapter thirteen~

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I won't let you get
close enough to hurt

The morning sun pours into my open curtains with no regard for my lie in what so ever and in an attempt to escape such profanities I twist myself further into my covers and silently will my mind to return back to its peaceful sleep.

Last night, having showered as quickly as possible, I changed into some dry pyjamas, yet still couldn't come down from my miraculous high, the feel of Aidan's lips on mine still lingering long after he'd gone. Because of this, I've hardly slept a wink and to say my body is regretting it now is an understatement of the century.

That being said, our night together was perfect and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Not even for more sleep.

I begrudgingly slip my head further into my duvet and to my utter dismay, my phone, persistent as ever, suddenly goes off; its violent vibrations against the wooden bedside table branding my much needed slumber, once again, compromised.

"Hello." I greet, gruffness seeping through my morning voice as I accept the call.

Thank God I decided to leave my phone at home last night, otherwise my small tumble into the lake would've most definitely meant bye bye Iphone and hello social delinquent. Not that I have lots of friends but how else am I supposed to contact Jess?

"Hey honey, you sound rough. Everything ok?"

Speak of the devil.

Her calming tone is almost enough to send me back to the land of nod but I just about manage to suppress the urge, taking comfort in her velvet voice instead.

"Yeah, just a little tired. It was long night. How was the party after I left?" I question, positioning myself to a seated position on my bed.

The fact that it's 8.30am on a Saturday morning certainly doesn't go amiss in my very tired mind and I can only hope to God that Jess had a legitimate reason for calling.

"Lame. We left shortly after. You doing anything today?" she replies, silently awaiting my response.

"Nothing. Why, what do you have in mind?" I ask, already pulling the sheets off of my pyjama clad body and dragging myself to the bathroom.

I absentmindedly remove my toothbrush from the pot and squirt a tiny amount of toothpaste on it, setting Jess on loudspeaker and situating her on the windowsill.

"Starbucks? I'll pick you up in fifteen?" she questions, or rather demands, to which I agree around a mouthful of minty lather.

"Do you even know where I live?" I splutter, figuring she's none the wiser.

"Text me your address. Bye!" she yells, before abruptly hanging up and leaving me with approximately fourteen minutes and thirty seconds to prepare myself for this mornings outing.

I set about my daily rituals rather quickly and make a note to replace the toothpaste, having used the last of it to brush my teeth. I clumsily fumble around the bathroom trying to locate some, absentmindedly opening every cabinet I lay eyes on, stilling only when something shocking catches my attention.

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