~Chapter Seven~

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"Sometimes what
you're looking for
comes when you're
not looking at all."

- Unknown.

Sunday, thankfully, passed in a blur and mostly consisted of Anna moaning about her 'hangover headache', while I made a desperate attempt to forget about my own wrong doings. Erasing Aidan from my mind proved easier said than done and by five o'clock on Sunday evening, the night before our dreaded first day of school, I'd given up completely on getting him out of my thoughts.

Luckily, Anna's memory failed to remember any events past the first half-hour of the party, which I was both pleased and outraged about.
On one hand, she couldn't remember Aidan or my 'almost encounter' with him, much to my convenience but she also couldn't remember what occurred between her and Gregg, only coming to the conclusion that she didn't sleep with him, having no real evidence other than, 'she'd know if she had'.

Needless to say I dove straight into a headlong lecture heavily based around the dangers of over consuming alcohol and it's safe to assume the entirety of my speech ended up going in one ear and out the other.

Not telling Anna about what happened after she passed out seemed like my best option and when asked, I simply responded with a little white lie, that may or may not have involved me helping her into bed, with no help from a certain dick face, like the heroic sister I am. Thankfully, Jack and Hannah were oblivious to our actions and were none the wiser, simply assuming our night ended up being rather pleasant and enjoyable.

If only they knew.

"I still can't believe we're starting a new school today. I didn't think I'd ever be this nervous." states Anna, bringing my thoughts back to the present as she manoeuvres the car to a gentle standstill, stopping for a red light.

It's Monday morning and although Jack had originally planned to drive us today, somehow 'work commitments' got in the way, leaving us with no option but to rely on the sat nav to guide us to our place of education.
Thankfully, the impressive piece of machinery manages to send us in the right direction and as the huge building marked 'West Rose High' comes into view, I can't help but compare it's beauty and structure to our less-than-adequate school back home. Its cream walls and modern exterior, unlike our previous school, screams wealth and although to the best my knowledge the school is state run, it's obvious some serious amount of money has been put in to create a professional and safe educational environment.

"Dorothy, we certainly aren't in Kansas anymore." I joke, although to some extent, I'm one hundred percent serious in my statement.

Anna parks the car in a space near the front while enthusiastically nodding her head in agreement and with no real clue as to what triggers it off, suddenly bursts into tears.

"Hey you, what's all this for?" I ask, immediately undoing my seatbelt and wrapping my arms around her trembling frame, quick to ease some of her pain.

At first, Anna seems incapable of producing any coherent words, let alone formulating actual sentences, so I don't attempt to start any conversation, relying instead, on my hug, hoping that it just about manages to calm her down. After some intense crying and uncontrollable sobbing, she repositions her head and attempts to wipe away the mascara smeared tears, seemingly much calmer now.

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