~Chapter twenty four~

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Do not be afraid
and do not be



It's the last thing I feel like doing, yet as I aimlessly drag my legs into every store Anna insists on going in, I plaster on a fake smile and grin my way through what can only be described as pure torture. Last night, after mine and Anna's little heart to heart, Hannah had suggested a shopping trip of sorts. Of course, I couldn't very well refuse her efforts at getting to know us better and found myself agreeing to it against my better judgement.
After all, it's our first ever attempt at bonding and I'm certainly not about to reject that. Even if I did have little to no sleep yet again and constantly feel as though someone is pressing a very heavy weight to my tremendously aching chest.

"Coffee break?" questions Hannah; her suggestion bringing literal music to my ears.

She effortlessly balances the shopping bags in her arms, looking as glamorous as they come in her noir skinny jeans and cream blouse. So far, she's bought myself and Anna a practical pair for ourselves, a dress each and a new bikini for day trips to Santa Monica beach.

All necessities, according to her.

Although, I must admit, I do rather enjoy my mint green two piece with frills for decoration and shiny, metallic material. I'm not normally one for indulging in such fancy swimwear but when in Rome (or should I say, California).

"Great idea. I could kill for one of those coffee milkshake things." replies Anna, juggling an equal amount of bags in her arms but not quite managing the same elegance Hannah possesses.

"A Frappuccino?" I mumble, helping her out in her somewhat limited vocabulary when it comes to day time beverages.

"Yeah! That's them. I like the caramel coffee one." she declares, pointing towards a rather deserted looking Starbucks and gesturing for us to make a move.

We take the hint and as we shuffle towards the open doors, I enjoy the blast of air con as it whips at my face; thankful for it cooling my slightly swollen eyes and lips.

"I'll get them in. Amelia, what you having?" asks Hannah, focusing her efforts on me, having already caught Anna's order.

"Just a tea please." I reply, consciously adding a cheery note to my, otherwise, monotone voice in the hopes that it takes away from my gloomy mood.

It's getting increasingly hard to hide my feelings but the last thing I want is to alarm Jack and Hannah of them. The news yesterday came as a little shock and I'm sure once the severity of it has sunk in, I'll handle it slightly better but until then, I need to bring my acting game home. Juggling my own Mothers sudden death and dealing with Jane's illness is certainly not going to be a walk in the park and if I'm not careful, I'll soon get snowed under by the overwhelming emotions going on and that is absolutely not what I want.

"Got'cha!" she smiles, turning on her heel and striding towards the cash desk, money in hand.

Once left alone, Anna raises a plucked brow at me and wastes no time in beating around the bush, needing to know more about my current mental state.

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