~Chapter Five~

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"Maybe I am
overreacting but
maybe you're just
being a jerk."

- Unknown.

Sixty minutes comes around painstakingly slow and the second it arrives, I waste no time in seeking out Anna, ready to put this night behind me. Much to my convenience, I spot her straight away, although, the scene playing out in front of me is a little more than concerning. Anna seems to have mastered the art of falling asleep while standing up and Gregg thinks this is the perfect opportunity to have a little fun.

Seeing red, I storm up to him and pull Anna away from his perverted grip, saving her from any more non consensual fondling. Her limp body ungracefully flops onto mine and as I lay her down on the unoccupied sofa behind me, I ready myself for the biggest rant of my life. Slowly turning around, I notice Gregg's expression resembles that of a small child whose favourite toy just got taken away from him; the pettiness of his behaviour making my blood instantly boil.

"What are you doing? She was having a great time!" he whines, adding fuel to my already outraged mind.

So far, the guys in this town are certainly giving off bad vibes.

-And I thought I made bad first impressions.

"She," I scream, pointing at an unconscious Anna, "is not even awake and you decide it's okay to take advantage of her, you PERV!" I state, my once 'calm' persona now completely out the window.

Something in Gregg's expression turns dark, making my stomach flips in an unsettling way; the feeling only intensifying when his face screws up in pure rage as he takes slow, intimidating steps towards me.

"What did you just say to me?" he asks, inching closer and closer, much like a lion does its prey.

Come on Amelia, no backing down now.

I too, inch closer to him so I'm only a mere centimetre away from his face, "I said, you're a fucking perv!" I snarl, pure venom dripping from my voice as I speak.

He suddenly looks like he is about to explode with his ever reddening cheeks and bulging eyeballs, suggesting I've clearly touched a nerve.

"Gregg, Tess is in the kitchen looking for you." comes Aidan's voice from out of nowhere, seemingly saving me from the situation.

Gregg steps back, looking to Aidan, then back to me, before eventually settling on Anna, who is still fully passed out on the sofa, oblivious to all the drama happening around her. His angered state is still visible and he obviously has more to say on the matter.

"When she wakes up, tell her I had a great time before her over protective, far less attractive sister came along to ruin it!" he spits, his face convulsing in utmost distaste while doing so.

His words, although harsh, have no effect on me but it seems they rile up a certain dark-haired stranger. While attempting to push past me, Gregg is dragged backwards by the neck of his collar; Aidan showing him no sign of mercy while doing so. Gregg seems momentarily shocked by the gesture, whereas Aidan couldn't look any more in control as he brings his mouth down and positions it right next to his ear.

"I suggest on your way to the kitchen you revise your methods of speaking to a woman. You are out of line talking to her like that, especially when she is one hundred percent in the right." he growls, barely keeping a lid on his ever growing anger. "And I just so happen to think Amelia is incredibly attractive. Perhaps it's time to call it a night if your eyes are playing tricks on you." he adds, finally relieving Gregg of his tightened grip while slipping in a little push for good measure.

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