~Chapter seventeen~

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The more you hide
your feelings for
someone, the more
you fall for them.


The rest of the week at school goes by surprisingly uneventful and, if I'm being completely honest, awfully mundane. I have a mountain of homework to get through despite being relatively new to school and with my teachers having seemingly taken no mercy on me, I have additional work to be doing in order to catch up.

An essay on the events leading up to pearl harbour is not how I'd planned to spend my Friday evening and while I'd normally be inclined to moan about such extremities, needs musts and I do appreciate how starting a new school mid semester puts me at a slight disadvantage. After all, I'd hate for my grades to drop.

Luckily, Saturday morning rolls around pretty quickly and I find myself at a loose end with what to do, no longer having any homework left. Jess and Chloe suggested we go bowling this evening, which I hesitantly agreed to. Extreme sports are not really my thing and adding a heavy ball to the mix is just asking for trouble as far as I'm concerned. Thankfully though, Jess expressed her own ability for the game, or lack there of, and I don't feel so bad at being utterly trash.

"What do you mean she's refusing her meds?" questions Hannah's voice from across the hall, interrupting me from my thoughts as she voices her sad concerns.

I've come to learn she works at the local care home for the elderly and I can only assume one of her patients it's being rather difficult, regarding taking their medication. It's obvious she cares for the wellbeing of all of the men and women currently housing there and I can't even begin to image how hard it must be to manage their expectations sometimes.

"Well, tell her if she doesn't take them it'll mean a trip to the hospital. I'd hate for her to be back in there when she's been doing so well lately." she sighs, either talking to herself or someone else on the phone.

A moment passes before she speaks again.

"I can't come in Julie, Jack is servicing the car and I have Emily here." she argues, sounding very much on the verge of tears, though I must admit, I'm pleased she's not having a one way conversation with herself.

I quickly close the cover of the book I'm reading, a shameless romance, and make my way over to where Hannah's voice is coming from, momentarily startled by her sporting a messy bun. Even with endless locks of brown piled on top of her head she looks stunning and the sudden urge to experiment more with various styles has me itching with potential excitement.

"I can take care of Em." I state, seemingly pleasing her with my suggestion. "It's no problem, honestly." I ensure, keen to win some brownie points.

A day spent with my sister sounds like fun and lord knows I can certainly use the distraction.

"Hold on Julie." she states, halting the other woman in her protests. "You really don't mind? Mrs Ross is being difficult again and she only ever listens to me."

"Of course, I have nothing planned until this evening. It's fine." I reassure, offering up a pleasing smile.

She nods in response, seemingly taking my offer into consideration before exhaling a relieved breath and telling Julie she'll be there in fifteen minutes. The call is quickly disconnected and her appreciative face immediately focuses in on me.

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