Chapter 2

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My alarm clock woke me rather rudely from my slumber. I groaned and rolled over, hitting the snooze button as I did so. I sat up and brushed my hair out of my face. Today was the girls first day back at school so I'd set my alarm half an hour earlier than usual so I had time to get them ready without panicking and getting in a rush. I put on my dressing gown and headed downstairs, going into the kitchen.

I pulled the bread out of the cupboard and also retrieved the butter, ham and cheese from the fridge. I yawned into the back of my hand as I made two sandwiches and put them into separate lunchboxes, along with crisps, apples and a chocolate bar each. I closed the boxes and then went back upstairs. I slowly opened the door to the twins' bedroom and made my way over to Maddie's bed.

"Mads, it's time to wake up honey," I cooed, shaking her gently.

I had to wake her up first, she was the most reluctant to go back to school and would therefore take the longest to get ready. She moaned as she woke, looking confused. Her hair was plastered to her face and her little eyes were unfocused. When she was fully awake, she moaned again.

"No Mummy, I'm not getting up!"

"Maddie, yes you are."

"You can't make me."

"I can and I come on, be a good girl for me...if you're not good, we can't go out for dinner tonight can we?"

It was something we'd done since the twins started school. After their first day in a new year, we'd go out for a meal to celebrate in a little restaurant called Shorties. Both of them loved it there so it was a real treat.

"Could we maybe go to Southsea afterwards and go on the pier?" she asked, batting her long eyelashes.

Ooh. She knew just how to get her own way.

"If you get up and get dressed now, then yes you can."

She squealed and jumped out of bed, running to her wardrobe. I chuckled as she pulled out her school dress and went into the bathroom.

"Ellie," I whispered, crouching down at the side of her bed.

I had a similar argument with her about getting up. She wasn't bothered so much about going to school, she just loves sleep. Once I told her that we'd be going to the pier after our meal, she followed in her sister's footsteps and began to get ready. Satisfied, I went back into my bedroom and through into my ensuite. I had a quick shower, and then got dressed into a pair of tight, black skinny jeans and a white blouse that I tucked into them.

"Mummy?!" called Ellie.

"Yeah?" I replied, running a brush through my hair.

"Can we go and watch TV?"

"Yeah, just don't argue about the channels okay? I'll be fifteen minutes and then I'll come and get you some breakfast."

I didn't get a reply so I switched on my hairdryer after spritzing my hair with heat protection. It didn't take long for my hair to be dry and I ran my fingers through it to add volume. Once it was done, I completed my makeup and ran downstairs.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked the twins.

"Coco Pops," they both stated in unison, their eyes not even moving from the screen in front of them.


"Please?" they grinned.

I shook my head in disbelief and then went into the kitchen, preparing their breakfast. A quick glance at my watch told me I still had enough time to have something myself so I made myself some toast and then called the girls into the dining room.

Lessons Learned (Sequel to Love At War) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now